Coral City was a big, colorful, friendly town. Everywhere you turned you'd see a building. These buildings were very bright and vibrant and came in every color you could think of. I guess you could say that Coral City is the city that other fish can only dream of. Everyone there is very nice to you and the city itself is very clean and maintained. I'd even describe it as somewhat futuristic. The town motto for Coral City states, "Once a happy fish, always a happy fish." I do believe that we live up to our motto here in Coral City. There's a lot of good jobs, a lot of good pay, and most importantly, a lot of good restaurants. Here in Coral City, as fish, we thoroughly enjoy two different foods: worms and coral. Coral is something we are never short of. The town always manages to be sure that we have a strong amount of the healthy and delicious plant. But worms...don't even get me started on those. Worms are the top notch food in Coral City. You have to be pretty wealthy to be eating worms. My family and I rarely eat them due to the high expenses. Sometimes, you will be lucky enough to find a worm or two towards the surface of the ocean, but, ever since the Paul and Joe incident I do believe that most fish now stay away from that area. In order for Coral City to function correctly, we must always have a town mayor. The town mayor we have now has been the mayor for longer than I can remember. Ever since I was a little fish we have had him as mayor and I feel that he does well at his job. Our mayor is a catfish and is growing old but he is honestly a really nice fish. The entire town loves and supports him. About once a week in Coral City, the town mayor holds a meeting at "The Chamber." The chamber, a large underwater canyon-like structure is located at the far end of town. The chamber is very massive and is able to hold every citizen in Coral City. Every town meeting is held at the chamber.
I wouldn't describe my family as big, however, I would most definitely describe it as important. I live with my wife Carol, my son Morgan, and my daughter Pixie. I couldn't ask for a better wife than Carol. She is there for me in the good and bad times of my life and always knows how to cheer me up. Carol is an amazing chef and is always cooking something great. She makes a lot of dishes using coral and always manages to surprise me with her cooking abilities. One time, Carol surprised me with a delicious coral pie after I had a long day at work. I will never forget the wonderful aroma that greeted me when I entered the house on that dreadful day. Morgan is...well he's a teenager. Anyone that has ever raised a teenager should know that it's not easy. They sleep all day, they eat all your food, and though I still love him a lot he can definitely be a handful sometimes. I am constantly dragging him out of bed. My youngest fish, Pixie, is my daughter. She is very cute and sweet and always knows how to make Carol and I smile. She can be goofy at times and asks a lot of questions. One time she asked me if worms were sad when you ate them and I couldn't help but laugh. I explained to her that worms don't have eyes, ears, or mouths and that made her feel a lot better. She is very close to Carol and gets scared very easily, but, Carol is always there to let her know that everything will be okay. Friends, welcome to Coral City.

AdventureThink life in the ocean is easy? Think again. In this tale you will learn about the life of a fish and how it isn't as easy as they make it look. After the tragic death of Paul and Joe, (two close friends of Mark's), Mark decides that enough is enou...