Just then we heard an extremely loud noise. I was surprised that Gummy wasn't crying until I looked over and realized that he was, but, you just couldn't hear him. I continued to listen to the noise as it filled and echoed through the entire ocean. Suddenly, the water became much darker and the light became less brighter. It was a blue whale and on top of it was none other than Kambara. The whale let out another loud moan.
"Aye mates! Isn't she a beaut!? This little fella saved my life!" he said.
"Li-li-little...?" said Gummy quietly.
"Kambara! I'm so glad you are safe! We were so worried!" I said smiling.
"It's like I told ya mate, us Aussies know what we are doing!" he said happily.
The whale let out one last big moan and then Kambara got off the top.
"Thank you so much! Good onya!" said Kambara to the whale.
"Alright fellas, what next?" he asked us as if nothing had just happened.
We both looked at him with our mouths wide open.
"Are you guys hungry?" he asked.
"What?" I asked with one brow up.
"Well you both got your mouths open so I thought you wanted some Macca's or something!" he said laughing.
Gummy and I both laughed along awkwardly pretending like we understood what he just said.
"There's still a few hooks left. Can you bite the lines on them real quick Kambara?" I asked.
"Why bite them off when you can have a little fun?" he replied.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Watch this," he said.
Kambara went over to one of the hooks and grabbed the line above it in his mouth gently. He was careful not to break it with his sharp teeth. He then smoothly pulled down on it a few times and let go.
"Now listen," he said.
We stayed quiet, listened, and then we heard a voice.
"Daddy! Daddy! I think I got one!"
The hook rose up and vanished from the water.
Kambara laughed joyfully at what he had just done.
"See? Wasn't that great? That dumb ol' ankle biter thought he got one!"
"That actually was pretty funny," I said chuckling.
"I wanna go next!" yelled Gummy swimming around eagerly.
"Well have a go mate!" said Kambara.
Gummy swam over to the second hook, grabbed the line gently with his mouth, and then tugged on it as hard as he could and let go.
"Mommy! I think I got a bite!" said a voice from above the water.
The hook vanished from the water just like the last one had and Kambara and Gummy were howling with laughter.
"Your turn mate!" said Kambara to me.
"Oh...uh...my turn?" I asked.
"Why, of course, go on!" said the eager crocodile.
"Oh...I don't think that's a good idea...you see, not too long ago I was almost-"
"Oh come on! Don't be a woos! Go on! Try it!" said Kambara.
"Yeah Mark, it'll be fun! Besides, you hate hooks remember?" said Gummy.
"Yeah, I guess you guys are right. You know, what? What the heck!" I said brushing it off as nothing. I knew that I needed to relax and just stop worrying.
I slowly swam over to the last hook. I looked up at the big metal beast and watched as it dangle idly in the water. I carefully grabbed the end of the hook with my mouth.
"No, Mark! Not the hook! The line! Grab the line!" yelled Kambara in the distance.
It was then that my whole lip went numb. The hook got jammed in my mouth and I attemped to pull it out, but failed. The blood started to leave my lip and I could barely talk
"Somebody help me!" I screamed.
In my peripherals, I could see Kambara rushing over to save me. But it was too late. I was being pulled up out of the water faster and faster until I felt the rush of the cold air hit my scaly fins.
"That'll teach you not to play with the bait!" said a deep father-like voice.
I heard screaming and yelling and I just wanted to be back in the ocean. I wanted to be back with Gummy and Kambara. I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew it was a bad idea. I was so scared, so helpless. I felt the hook leave my lip and I tried to wriggle around in the dirty human's hand as I tried to somehow jump back in the ocean. I never thought that I would be hooked. Then, I heard the sound of terrified little humans screaming and I was suddenly dropped 6 feet to the ground. I fell with a thud and at this point I could barely see because my eyes were crusted over with dirt. However, it was then that I gained a little hope.

AventuraThink life in the ocean is easy? Think again. In this tale you will learn about the life of a fish and how it isn't as easy as they make it look. After the tragic death of Paul and Joe, (two close friends of Mark's), Mark decides that enough is enou...