My eyes slowly opened. They were still weighing down heavily trying to close shut once again. I turned over in my bed and glanced at my clock. The time read "8:23." I panicked realizing that I was late for work again. I had stayed up worrying about our town all night and got little sleep. I jumped out of my bed and swam as fast as I could as I quickly threw on my work clothes. I rushed out of my house and continued swimming to my work as I swam as fast as my fins would allow me to. I work at a restaurant named "Golden Coral." It got it's name because it has some of the best coral in the city but you have to give up quite a bit of your money if you really want it.
Finally, I was getting closer and closer to my work and when I reached the doors, I burst them open. It was very quiet inside and there was the sound of a soft, light-hearted piano playing throughout the dining area. I was breathing heavily and out of breath and my face was extremely red. As I continued huffing and gasping for air I looked over at a couple eating their dinner while staring at me. The husband had his mouth wide open as he glared at me with a shocked and confused look on his face. A spoonful of coral fell out of his mouth and on to the plate. I smiled frantically and continued walking to the kitchen. My boss was furious with me.
"Why were you late again Mark!?" he said furiously.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be. I was up all-," I started.
"I don't want to hear any more excuses from you Mark. I have had more than enough from you and you have not been doing very well lately. I am done trying with you. You are being terminated," he said with no hesitation.
"You mean...I'm being fired?" I stammered.
"Yes...I'm afraid so Mark. Goodbye." he said shunning me trying to look away.
The whole room around me grew dark. I couldn't believe it. What was I going to tell my wife and kids? How was I going to continue making money so that we have somewhere to live?
The walk back home was very long and dreadful. I felt like such a disappointment. I looked around and watched all the kids in the neighborhood laughing and playing. They were all so happy. I would give anything to have those days back. I hung my head low and sulked and the more I swam, the heavier my body felt. I got home and my wife Carol was making a delicious smelling coral stew.
"What's wrong honey? Why are you already home from work?" she asked as she put a spoon down on the table.
"I was...I was let go," I mumbled.
She was shocked. I didn't know what else to say. I didn't know what to do. She apologized countless times and spent most of the night worrying and crying. We decided to wait and not tell the kids just yet. I spent the rest of the day moping around. I didn't have the energy to go anywhere. I didn't want to do anything.
Later that night, I couldn't fall asleep. It was almost midnight and I was laying wide awake on my bed. I slowly got out of bed, threw on some clothes, and headed out the door. I decided to go for a swim and get some fresh air. I walked down the shiny, glimmering pebble streets as I tuned in and listened to the muffled sounds of the waves crashing repeatedly above the surface. As I looked around light was mostly absent and it was very still and quiet. Everyone in the town was already in bed. I walked by "Golden Coral" and let out a deep sigh. I couldn't believe I lost my job. As I continued walking I heard a loud noise that stopped me dead in my tracks. I listened and heard more noises. It sounded like machinery or construction work. I started to swim faster as I followed the noises. Eventually, I reached a large house that was near the center of Coral City. I approached the house and there was a large white picket fence surrounding it. I swam up to the fence and opened the white gate standing firmly before me. I went past the fence and the gate slammed back into the fence loudly and the sound echoed through the water. At this point, I was a little scared but my curiosity was killing me so I continued swimming until I reached the front door of the house. I knocked loudly once but no one answered. I waited a few minutes and knocked again. There was still no answer. I put my fin on the doorknob and to my surprise, the doorknob started to turn. The door slowly creaked open as it displayed the dark, shadowy inside of the house. The noises kept getting louder and louder and I swam through the house as I followed them. Eventually, I reached another door. I went to open it but as I did I realized there was someone on the other side of it that was opening the door as well. Towering over me, to my surprise, was the town mayor.
"Mark? What are you doing here?" he said as he smiled frantically.
"Um...well...I heard loud noises coming from your house so I was wondering what was going on. I'm sorry to disturb you sir." I said. I was caught off guard and wasn't expecting to talk to anyone.
"Mark, it's midnight. Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked me.
"Well, normally yes. But, I couldn't sleep so I went for a swim." I replied.
"I see...I couldn't sleep either. The noises you heard was actually just me doing some work on my basement. I think there is a pipe leaking somewhere and I was trying to locate it." he said smiling.
"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Do you need some help sir?" I asked.
"No, I actually think I may have fixed it. Thank you though Mark. You are such a nice guy, you know that?" he asked changing the subject.
"Uh...yeah. I guess?" I said. I didn't understand why he was being so nice.
"I heard about how you lost your job Mark. I am very sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate. You were such a great waiter," he said.
He knew about my job. That's why he was being so nice, I thought to myself.
"Thanks's getting late, maybe I should head out," I said nervously.
"Head out? But you just got here! Why don't you stay a bit? Chat it up with your old mayor?" he said grinning.
"I don't know sir..." I said backing away slowly.
"Mark, ever since you were a little boy I have adored you. You've grown up so fast and your family is amazing. I really do hate that you lost your job but maybe it wasn't meant for you." he said softly.
He placed his fin on me and looked into my eyes.
"Mark, I believe you will do amazing things. You have so much potential. Remember that okay?" he said putting his fin on my shoulder.
"Yes sir."
"Now swim along now. You've got a family to be home with...and Mark, don't worry about me. Everything is okay. Coral City is in great fins, trust me," said the mayor.
"Yes sir. Goodnight," I said as I turned away.
The swim home was long and tiresome. I felt my body dragging the ocean sand. The whole way home the mayor's words repeated in my head. I just hoped he was right.

AdventureThink life in the ocean is easy? Think again. In this tale you will learn about the life of a fish and how it isn't as easy as they make it look. After the tragic death of Paul and Joe, (two close friends of Mark's), Mark decides that enough is enou...