A large net had been dropped onto Coral City. This wasn't the first time I had seen one of these. They are like hooks but worse because rather than just catching one fish, they can catch twenty of them. This net was much different though. This net had smaller holes making it impossible to escape.
"Swim away! Swim away!" yelled Kambara loudly.
Everyone in the town began swimming away from the net as quickly as they could but sadly, no one succeeded. The net slowly started to rise up and fish got pushed together closer and closer to where we could barely even breathe. I was being bumped against hundreds of fish and I tried to push through them all because I had lost my family once again.
"Not again!!!" I yelled angrily.
The net rose higher and higher until it was eventually up off the sea floor. The net was about halfway out of the water when I got an idea. I looked down at Gummy and Kambara.
"Kambara! Quick! Bite through the net with your sharp teeth!" I said urgently.
"Good idea mate! I'm on it!" he replied.
I swam to the bottom of the net and watched as Kambara attempted to dive to the top of the surface and reach the net before it was pulled out of the water. I looked up and realized we were being dragged into what looked like a car but on the sea. It was floating and the net was attached to it.
"Hurry!!!" I yelled as I started to lose my breath and feel the salty air touch my skin.
"Almost there!!!" he yelled back as his jaws opened up. He began biting down on the bottom of the net.
Bubbles spewed out of the back of the sea car and hit Kambara in the face. Kambara tried to catch up to it but failed. The sea car continued storming off as Kambara got farther and farther away from it.
"Never forget me!" he yelled.
"I'm gonna miss you Mark!" Gummy yelled.
The sea car began to go faster and bubbles continued shooting out of the back of it. I watched the shadows of Gummy and Kambara slowly disappear and fade away. I had lost them again.
The net was then pulled up even more and everyone was beginning to lose their breath.
"Everyone...breathe...it's going...to be...okay" I said gasping for air.
The net was cut and we all fell into a large black hole. The top of the structure shut after a minute or so and all light vanished. I could tell we were in water because everyone was able to breathe once again.
"Everyone! It's going to be okay!" I said.
"Okay!? We were just taken from our city and thrown into a box! And you think we will be okay?" said an unfamiliar, upset voice.
Voices started to get louder and everyone began to worry and panic.
"Everybody!!! Listen up! I have swam hours away from Coral City, I have been hooked twice, I was almost eaten by a shark and a crocodile, I was almost attacked by a barracuda, I was stung by an electric eel, and our town mayor attempted to kill me! This isn't new for me! Now, hear me out. If I can make it through all of that, I'm not going to live my last breaths in a black box. We will make it. I know we will. You just have to trust me," I said out of breath.
Everyone murmured and agreed. I wasn't sure where we were going but it was quite a long trip and the last thing I remember before falling asleep was the faint sound of a loud horn.

AdventureThink life in the ocean is easy? Think again. In this tale you will learn about the life of a fish and how it isn't as easy as they make it look. After the tragic death of Paul and Joe, (two close friends of Mark's), Mark decides that enough is enou...