"Mayor..." I said cowering with fear.
"That's sir to you. Mark, I gave you many chances to leave. I gave you many chances to mind your own business. You could have been like everyone else but no...you had to be you. Mark, you destroyed my laboratory, violated my property, and broke the number one sacred rule of Coral City...Stay away from hooks," he said scolding me.
"Like you're any better. You lied to our city. You almost destroyed it. You ruined every fish's life here. You're not obeying the town motto," I said.
"Town motto? You mean the one that states "Once a happy mayor, always a happy mayor?" he said laughing loudly.
"You-you-you changed it..." I said with fiery eyes.
"I'm the mayor Mark. I can do what I want. And I'm not...going...to let a fish like you...STOP ME!" he said as his voice reverberated angrily.
The enormous robot's claw swung at me and missed. It hit one of the mayor's untouched laboratory gadgets and knocked it off the table it had been on before. I watched as a weird green liquid spilled on the glass piece covered floor.
"What's wrong Mark!? Are you scared?" yelled the mayor as he started to chase me around the laboratory with his giant robot robot claws scattering behind me as they stabbed into the ground.
The mayor activated a button or lever of some sort and it fired off a torpedo that came flying at me full speed. I swam up as quickly as possible and I felt a large heat wave explosion behind me.
"You can swim but you can't hide Mark!" yelled the mayor from inside the big suit.
I started swimming to the stairs as fast as I could as I tried to escape the psychotic mayor's house. I had almost got to the base of the stairs when the mayor picked up a piece of lab equipment, threw it across the room, and wedged it in the stairs making it impossible to go up or around them.
"Nice try Mark!!!" he shouted.
"Ello mate! Ya' thirsty for some of yur own blood!?" yelled a familiar voice.
"Kambara!" I said as I saw the awesome crocodile once again.
I then heard loud, annoying crying.
"It's a fish killing crab!" yelled another voice.
"Gummy?" I said.
"That's right mate! We're back and better than ever!" said Kambara with a smile.
"But-but-but...you said you guys couldn't come back? I thought you said I didn't need you anymore?" I asked questioningly.
"That was before we knew how crazy this mayor is! He's gone bonkers!" yelled Kambara as he tried to overpower the obnoxious laughter of the mayor.
"He almost killed me!" I yelled back to Kambara.
"What are we gonna do!?" Gummy said bawling.
The mayor continued to laugh madly and out of control. He was getting crazier and crazier by the second and we all knew that we had to do something about it.
"We've got to knock him unconscious so that we have time tuh think!" Kambara said.
"A crocodile and a shark huh Mark? You really think that two sets of pointy, sharp teeth will stop me!?" said the mayor cackling.
"I don't have any teeth!" Gummy said as he cried and flipped his tail back and forth.
The robot crab shot missiles from both of it's hands and barely missed Gummy. I watched as he screamed and cried in horror and for once, I didn't blame him.
"Wait...Kambara can't you do that too?" I asked.
"Do what mate?" he replied.
"Your tail, you can swing it back and forth strongly right?"
"Why of course I can! That's how I fought those pesky drongos back there when I saved your life!" he said boldly.
"Wait a minute...that's it! If Gummy and I both swing our tails at one of the robot's claws maybe we could knock it down!" said Kambara.
The mayor continued to laugh and stomp around as he stabbed random holes in the walls of what was once was his laboratory.
"Gummy! Follow me!" yelled Kambara.
Gummy swam and followed the crocodile as he guided him directly to one of the legs of the robot. Knowing that he had no other choice, Kambara then hit Gummy hard with his tail and even I could feel the sting that it left.
Gummy's eyes filled with tears and he was now hollering. He started flipping his tail back and forth and to my surprise I watched as it came in direct contact with the a leg of the robot. Kambara then joined in and hit the same spot with his tail. I watched as the robot came crashing down to the ground. It shot one last missile and it barely snipped Kambara's tail. I could tell that it hurt and felt bad for him.
"Ah!!!" yelled Kambara.
"Kambara, are you okay!?" I said worried rushing over to him
"Don't worry! I'll be ight mate! Just figure out a plan!" he said pushing me away.
I looked inside where the mayor had been controlling the crab and noticed that he was unconscious.
"Gummy, we have to call a town meeting," I said.
"A town meat ring?" he said with his head tilted.
"No Gummy, a town meeting. Follow me," I said rolling my eyes.
I swam out of one of the large holes that the mayor had made and went around to the front door of his house. I went back inside and started racing around as I searched desperately for the equipment that I needed to call the citizens of Coral City to a town meeting. The house was still flooded with the night creatures and I carefully swam through trying not to get stung.
"Gummy! There it is! That thing right there! I need to grab it!" I yelled reaching for it.
I reached as far as I could trying to grab the piece of technology that was used to call everyone to the town meeting.
"Almost there..." I said when I was within an inch from it.
It was then that I felt a searing pain travel through my entire body and I began seeing vibrant colors.
"Gummy...you are such a nice shark," I said smiling.
My eyes then closed and I fell to the ocean floor.

AdventureThink life in the ocean is easy? Think again. In this tale you will learn about the life of a fish and how it isn't as easy as they make it look. After the tragic death of Paul and Joe, (two close friends of Mark's), Mark decides that enough is enou...