Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Paige, Alexa, Jade, Autumn, Serenity, Devin, Brody, Piper, Jerry, Patrick, and A

A/N: So I did a lot of research for this. At the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, the next generation was going to Hogwarts. And that is the time that I am putting my friends and I in. So some of these characters, are J.K. Rowling's next generation characters, like the Potters and Weasleys. I hope you enjoy! :D

I hugged my father and younger sisters goodbye before hopping on the train. My mother is a professor at Hogwarts. She has already arrived. She teaches Divination. Even though Divination is one of my favorite subjects, I wasn't really looking forward to my mom teaching me. She's a little kooky.

I walked through the hall, looking for an empty compartment, or one that had less people. I was near the end of the train, when I came upon a compartment, that only had four people in it. One girl looked about my age, but she wase obviously taller than me. She had long brown hair, and two different colored eyes. The other girl looked a little older. 15, or 16, maybe? But she had dark brown hair, that was lighter at the ends and it came down to her shoulders. Then, there were two boys. One had red hair and brown eyes, and the other had black hair and green eyes.

"Is it alright if I sit in here? All the other compartments are full." I say.

"Yeah, sure," the older girl said. I sat down next to the girl with the long, brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Paige," she gave me a warm smile.

"Hannah Markel," I held out my hand to her.

"This is Autumn Thunehorst," she pointed to the older girl. Then to the red head and the other boy, "Fred Weasley and Albus Potter."

"Hi!" I say cheerfully. A Potter? At Hogwarts? My father had told me all about Harry Potter. This guy has to be related to him some how.

"You said your last name is Markel?" Autumn asks me. I nod, then she asks, "Do you happen to be related to Professor Markel?"

One thing I didn't want to hear. I slowly nodded.

"Really, how?"

"She's my mom," I say.

"Oh. She's kind of weird, but funny," Fred tells me.

"I'm told that often. So what year are you going to be?" I ask them.

"First," Paige and Albus say.

"Second," Fred says. He might be named after the origonal Fred Weasley, because from what I heard, George Weasley's twin brother had died at the battle in Hogwarts.

"Sixth," Autumn replies.

"Cool! I'm going to be a first year too," I say and then my cat hopped on my lap. My odd, grey cat, Lucy, who has a deformed foot. It's like two toes on the foot. Kind of creepy. I pet Lucy while Fred and Autumn tell us more about Hogwarts. Like when Harry Potter went to Hogwarts, there was always a new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher.

"But, now we have a decent Defense Against Dark Arts professor. Professor Cyr. He's been there for a couple years now. Some teachers have been replaced, like Trelawney. Mr. Filch was replaced by Mr. Rhodd, which everyone was thankful for that. Mr. Rhodd can be cranky sometimes, but he's way better than Filch..." Autumn trailed off when the food trolley witch, stopped outside of our compartment.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

I got a sly grin. I took my money I had been saving, out and bought a box of Berty Bot's Every Flavor Beans. The five of us spent the rest of the ride, getting sick to our stomachs of the disgusting flavors of beans. And what was even worse, was that we had no drinks.

As the train approached Hogwarts, I could see the gates, flanked with statues of winged boars, and the many lit windows of the castle. All of us climbed off of the express once it had stopped completely. The first years row across the lake in boats, while others take carriages to the Hogwarts castle. A giant man stood by the boats and greeted the first years. He had long brown hair and a beard, streaking with grey. He stood tall and big. I've heard about him before. Rubeus Hagrid.

"Well, good luck with the sorting," Autumn and Fred walked off to a carraige. A group of first years, including us three, gathered by the boats, waiting for instructions. Hagrid told us five per boat, and that they didn't need rowing because they were enchanted.

Albus, Paige, another girl, and I climbed into a boat. Then a boy with incredibly white hair hopped in before the boat could sail away.

"Hi, I'm Serenity," the girl introduced herself. She had blonde hair and a warm smile.

"I'm Hannah. And this is Paige and Albus," I gestured to the two sitting beside me. The other boy hadn't been pying attention, for he was staring at the school ahead of us.

"What's your name?" Albus asked, catching his attention.

"Devin," he tells us. He was quiet at first, but then we couldn't get him to shut up.

"I hope I get Gryffindor," he says.

"I don't care what I get, just as long as it's not Slytherin." Paige tells us.

"I don't want to get Slytherin. Definately not," Albus says positively.

"But what if you get Slytherin?" Devin inquires.

"The Sorting Hat won't put him in Slytherin if he doesn't want to be," Serenity told him.

"Since when does it do that?" He asks.

"It did that for Al's father. Harry Potter," I say.

We hit the shore of the lake and climb out of the boat. We meet the rest of the first years, along with Professor McGonagall. From what I heard, she had been here for a long time. I wasn't listening to half of what McGonagall was saying. I was too impatient and eager. When the crowd of first years, finally walked into the Great Hall, we were greeted by hundreds of lit candles floating in midair above the tables. Golden goblets and plates gleamed by the light from the candles. Four long tables, of the Houses, were packed with chattering students. At the top of theHall, the staff sat along one side o the fifth table, facing their students.

McGonagall led us to the front of the Hall, where she picked up a large scroll of parchment. She unrolled it, hen spoke to all first years, "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool. When the hat announces your House, you will go and sit at the appropriate table."

Most of the names I never heard of, but some sticking out to me. Ones that I either knew, or recognized.

"Folkmire, Serenity!" McGonagall called out. Serenity approached, then sat on the stool. The rip at the brim of the Sorting Hat opened wide and shouted, "RAVENCLAW!"

Numerous claps xame from the tables, especially Ravenclaw. Serenity smiled proudly and sat down next to Autumn at the Ravenclaw table. Finally the list came down to the M's.

"Markel, Hannah!" I caught my mother's eye at the staff table and she gestured me to walk more quickly. McGonagall draped the Sorting Hat over my head. It lowered halfway down my eyes because it was a little big. But it shouted just what I wanted to hear.

"GRYFFINDOR!" I smiled widely as the Hat was lifted from my head. I sat down at the Gryffindor table, getting many claps on the back.

"Marlatt, Devin!" I watched as he sat on the stool. The Sorting Hat murmured to itself and then shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Finally they got to the R's and Paige was called up.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The old hat shouted and Paige happily came and sat next to me. I high fived her.

Albus Potter hadn't gotten Slytherin. He did get Gryffindor. So did his cousin, Rose Weasley who was also a first year. But what no one could believe, was that Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco Malfoy, had gotten Gryffindor.

Hogwarts (Next generation & New characters) *Year 1*Where stories live. Discover now