Chapter 2

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No one could believe that a Malfoy had gotten Gryffindor. Almost everyone was despising him. I don't think he even had any friends. He always kept quiet because of the people being rude to him. Honestly, I felt bad for him. And I could tell that Paige did too. The Weasleys and Potters were the worst of it because their parents were picked on the most by Scorpius's father.

Paige and I were in the Great Hall with Albus, his brother, and some other new friends we've made. Scorpius was just coming into the Great Hall and approached the empty seat next to Paige.

"Sorry. That seat is saved." Dominique Weasley put her foot on it. Dominique was one of the many Weasley cousins. She is a fifth year.

"Oh yeah? Who are you saving it for?" I ask.

"Uh... Rose," she stutters.

"Rose is right there," I point down the table at her.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here anyway? You don't belong with Gryffindor, let alone us," James, the older brother of Albus, told him harshfully. Scorpius had a hurt look in his eye, walked down toward some empty seats and sits down by himself.

"Nice going," Paige told them, got up and followed Scorpius. She looked really mad.

"Why'd you guys have to do that? You haven't even gotten to know him," I told them.

"Listen to us, Hannah. He's a Malfoy. You know how they treated everybody," Brody, a third year, tried to convince me.

"Well maybe he's different from his family. Maybe that's why he got Gryffindor. And besides, he hasn't said one word to anybody. Think about it," I got up and left the Gryffindors who were despising Scorpius.

I sat down beside Paige and said hi to Scorpius. He replied with a small hello.

"Don't listen to them. They're just not used to the idea of someone who comes from a Slytherin family, in Gryffindor," Paige tells him.

"Yeah. Have you heard of Sirius Black?" I ask him.

"Yes. My father would never tell me about him or Harry Potter, but my mother did when he wasn't around," Scorpius says.

"Sirius Black's family were all Slytherins and he turned out to be Gryffindor," I say. We talk more about the famous Aurors, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Paige and I got Scorpius to talk more, which was good.

"Have you been in George Weasley's prank shop?" Paige asks us.

"I've been in there loads of times!" Scorpius replies.

"Me too! I've left Dungbombs in my sisters' room before," I say and laugh. We finish breakfast and get ready for our classes. I had Divination first, but I don't know who else did. I walked alone to my mother's classroom. Other first years were too.

Professor Markel wasn't in the classroom yet, but there were a few students in there. I take a book from the back of the classroom and look at the students who were already in here. I recognized Serenity and Rose, and went to sit down with them.

"Hiya!" I say and sit next to Serenity.

"Hello!" they replied. By the time Professor Markel got to the classroom, everybody was here.

"Sorry I'm late." She scurried into the classroom. "Did everyone get a book?"

Everyone nodded then she said, "Turn to page 436."

We flipped through the books, but didn't find a page 436. One of the students at the back of the classroom said, "Professor there isn't a page 436."

"Oh. My mistake, 236." A few kids chukled. We learned about palmistry today. I took great interest in that.

My second class was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Cyr informed us about the Reductor curse.

"With this powerful curse, skilled wizards or witches, can easily reduce obstacles to pieces. It is rather easy to reduce a target to a fine mist, or pile of ashes."

By the time all of my classes were done, I had decided that Professor McGonagall was my favorite teacher. I had a little trouble with Astronomy and Charms, but the easiest class for me, was Herbology.

It was five o clock, and everyone was in the common room. Dinner in the Great Hall would be soon, so we were just waiting. I was sitting by the fire place, with Paige and Scorpius, when Albus and Fred approached us.

"Mind if we sit here, with you? James is teasing me again." Albus tells us.

"Go ahead," I say. They sit down on the floor with us and thank us.

"So how many Weasleys and Potters are there, at Hogwarts, right now?" Scorpius suprisingly asks.

"6 Weasleys and 2 Potters," Albus answers. Then Fred continues.

"Our cousins Rose, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, and Molly. Then, his brother James," Fred gestures to Albus.

Paige obviously wasn't paying attention, because she was looking in another direction, with her eyebrows raised high, "Is that a... baby tiger?"

I looked in the direction she was looking to see that Devin kid and an oversized, white cat. It had he black stripes, but was it really a tiger cub?

The five of us got up and walked toward the many people petting it.

"Is that a white tiger cub?" Fred asks Devin.

"Sure is," he beams proudly.

"I won't be surprised if it eats you someday," Paige tells him.

"It won't. Because I am training it," Devin says in reply. I heard a low growl and I turned around to see my cat, Lucy, not too far away.

"If your tiger eats my cat, I'm blaming you!" I tell him right before we have to leave for dinner. Scorpius, Fred, Albus, Paige, and I head to the Great Hall. On our way, we run into the caretaker, Mr. Rhodd. He's sweeping and Fred stops us.

"How are you this evening Mr. Rhodd?" he asked. Then there was a croak and a toad hopped onto the caretaker's shoulder.

"I'd be better if these children learned to pick up after themselves a bit better," he grumbles.

"I know how you feel. My sisters are the same way," I say and he lets out a chuckle. We continue on to the Great Hall when we feel ice cold wate plop onto us. We looked at the stairwell above us, and the ghost, Peeves, was laughing hysterically.

"Peeves!" Mr. Rhodd came in storming. Then he told us to move on to dinner. We entered the Great Hall, soaking with water squishing out of our shoes. We sat down with James and a few others, and they suprisingly didn't say anything about Scorpius sitting near them.

"What happened to you guys?" Louis asks us.

"Yeah why are you soaking?" Brody adds.

"Peeves," was all Albus said.

"I told you to look out for him," James fake pittys.

McGonagall tapped her goblet with her spoon to get everyone's attention, "May I have your attention please. Thank you. The staff has discussed and agreed, to let first years join quidditch. Try outs will be soon after all first years have taken flying lessons from Madam Hooch. Let the feast begin."

Steaming, assorted foods appeared on the larger plates in the centers of the tables. Pitchers were filled out of no where with juices, waters, and oher drinks I couldn't identify. I hope I do well with the flying lessons, because being on the quidditch team, would be the greatest thing to happen to me.

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