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"Scott, C'mon!! We're gonna be late!!"

I groaned. "Coming!"
I grabbed my jacket and ran down the stairs to my house mate, Kirstie.

She punched me in the arm when she saw me and playfully bit me. "You're sooooo gonna drive us there."
I laughed. "Sorry, I'm riding shotgun!"

We climbed in Kirstie's car and took off.

It had been 10 years since the games.
Me and Kirstie were the only survivors and we had some horrible times over the years.
But we got through it.

After loosing our truly beloved ones, we couldn't bear to find another soulmate.
Kirstie was never going to get over the shock of herself killing Jeremy, and I could never forget about Mitch.

Everyone cheered us on and said sorry for our loss, but no one could understand the real feeling except someone who actually played the games.

Kirstie was the only one who understood my nightmares and my seeing. She was there for me and I was there for her.
We didn't get married, or dated, but we got a house and now we're living together.
Just like brother and sister.

"Scott. We're here."

I nodded and got out of the car.
We had come to see Mitch.

"It has been 10 years and yet I can never get used to this place." Kirstie said, touching the trees as we walked through the woods.

"Here." I stopped.

The river flowed along the rocks.
The rocks formed a small circle of land. And on the land was a grave.
Mitch's grave.

Kirstie touched the tombstone softly. "Mitch." She whispered. "I'm here. Miss me? Scott's here too, but I'm pretty sure you didn't miss him."

I laughed a little. I had visited the river everyday for 10 years. 3650 days.
Some were with Kirstie and some were with mom and dad.
Yes, mom and dad.

Mr. and Mrs. Grassi adopted us again after the games. They understood us better than the others, and they took care of us for 6 years.

I smiled and wiped a tear from my cheek.
"Even after 3650 days, I still cry when I see this place." I whispered, chuckling a little.

Kirstie nodded and touched my shoulder.
"Me too."
We hugged each other and sat by the grave, just leaning onto each other.

"Scott." Kirstie called after a while.
"Your song is on the radio."

She turned the radio on and sure enough, my voice trailed out.
After the games ended, I wrote a song about Mitch. Well, I wrote part of it.
It was the song Mitch never finished.
It was the song Mitch first sang here, at the river, 11 years ago.

To The River was a huge hit and I got to go on TV shows and talked about it.
People asked me if I wrote this song and I always answered no. Mitch was the reason the song existed, and I was just the voice singing it.

I smiled as the familiar melody flowed into my brain. Kirstie held my hand and we both sang along to it quietly.

So take me to the river
and run, I'm diving in.
We'll see where it begins
You're lost when I fall in...


"Scott we have to go now. Scott. Scott."

Kirstie shook me awake. I blinked. "What..?"  
She laughed. "You fell asleep, Hoying."
"Oh my god what time is it?" I asked.

"Eight thirty. Let's go home."

I nodded and stood up to go.
But not before turning around to face the grave. I touched the white flowers I brought everyday.
"Mitch Grassi." Tears filled my eyes but I shook them away quickly.

"About 15 years ago, I was in the dark, searching for the smallest ray of sunshine. It seemed hopeless and I was on the edge of giving up eveything. Living. Breathing.

"But then the sun finally shone on me.
It fianlly gave me a chance. After 20 years, it gave me the biggest chance ever.
And thank god, I took it.
The sun led me and Kirstie to the Grassi house hold, where we got a life. Where we got parents. Where..."

I gulped. "Where I met you. I didn't give the chance away, and neither did you.
Your body lies cold, but I know your heart is warm. Like me.
Like the river."

I couldn't go on. I swallowed and started to follow Kirstie out of the woods.
But I knew I couldn't leave like this.
I turned back and knelt by the tombstone.

"I'll always love you." I whispered.


I smiled.


It's over!
Thank you all so much!
(cheese dripping) You're the reason I live for.
Well... ELDORADO (a new book I've been talking about) is out and please go check it out! You won't regret reading it......
Thank you for all your love.
I'll see you in ELDORADO I guess?
Okay bye I love you so much!

yours truly,
Charlie Brown.

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