Chapter 9

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Luke's POV:

        I tossed Jenna's light  body onto my bed.  I sat down on the edge of it, impatiently waiting on the boys so we could get started. I just didn't understand how a girl could be this stupid. It didn't make any sense to me.  In reality, i'm doing her a favor. Maybe now she'll know not to leave her drinks out in the open anywhere.  I heard the door open and stood up fast, not knowing who it could be.  Luckily,  it was only my favorite idiots, Calum, Michael, and Ashton.

       Michael scanned over the small girl on my bed with wide eyes. "You did it!" He congratulated me, walking over to pat me on the back. I let out a small smirk, "told you I would. Before you try to doubt someone, make sure you know who your dealing with."

     We all glanced down at Jenna's body limp body.  "She really is gorgeous." Ashton admired, I saw his eyes starting to scan over her legs. But I disagreed with him. Gorgeous was an understatement when it came to Jenna. 

       "Man she looks perfect."  I don't think i've ever felt this way about a younger girl, but I couldn't help it with her. Plus, I bet she would look even better once I take off her clothes.

       After a few more glances, we all got started.  I handed Michael the camera and right away he hit the bright red record button button.

      "Listen ladies," Michael began. He turned the camera towards himself, flashing his white teeth. "This is what happens when you let someone give you a drink, or even leave your drinks laying around at a wild Hemmings  party."

       Michael flashed the camera at Jenna, showing her lifeless body on my king sized bed. Calum began speaking into the camera next.
    "See here," he pointed his index finger at Jenna. We have a beautiful girl laying here peacefully, someone most of you probably know. She walks around like she's so tough, so hard to get. Well, Look at her now. She won't look nearly  as good once Luke is done with her."

     The camera finally flashed towards me. The flash in my eyes, nearly blinding me. Calum gave me a thumbs up on the hand the camera wasn't in and that was my cue. I scanned over her body thinking about where to start. I figured her neck would be the right place. I placed my lips on the tender skin, biting and sucking, making sure to leave a mark. She was mine.

      "Do you think she'll know how this got there?"  I pointed to the dark red that was forming against her pale skin.

       "Man she'll be so out of it, she won't remember a thing,"  Ashron replied.

       I unzipped her dress then stopped, looking at her arms noticing something she probably wanted to hide. She was really going through something, something big. I started to wonder why in the world would a beautiful girl be doing so much self-  harm to herself.  I tried to escape the feelings  of guilt from getting  to me but it didn't work out so well. I felt a deep knot in my stomach, wondering how long it would be until I was the one passed out.

        I looked away from her arms and towards the white cracks on my wall. I closed my eyes and imagined that I never saw those scars on her arms. I needed to finish this. If I stopped now,  they would  always tease me about being a wimp. I continued fully undressing her and going on  from there.


      When I was done, I gave a thumbs up to Michael and he shut the camera off, slipping it back into its silver case.  I wiped the perspiration forming on my forehead and we all suddenly started laughing. I sat back down on the edge of the bed and they all walked up to me. "That was nice man, I didn't know you had it in you." Calum clasped me on the back and I gave off a slight shrug.

     "Maybe I should dress her and give her to her friends before they come up here  looking for her." My voice barely came off as a whisper.

     "Who does she hang out with?" Ashton questioned.

      "She's with Lily, Hanna and them, I've seen them all around school plenty of times," Michael cut in before I had a chance to.

       We got her dressed and looking somewhat presentable,  then I carried her back to the party scene. The boys were  trailing not so far behind me.

    I found Krystal first and told her,"I think Jenna had way too much to drink," motioning down to the girl in my arms.

     She gasped when she saw her, dropping her small shot glass on the floor. It immediately shattered into small pieces.  Krystal took what seemed like a lifeless body from me.  "Thank you so much Luke! Have you seen Rose?  I know she's probably going to stay with her for the rest of the night. She is definitely in no condition to go home." Krystal rushed out her words and began pacing around her, not caring who she bumped into.

            "Oh Krystal," I leaned against the front door, running my hand over my neck to give off an innocent look,"she could always stay with me you know."

      "Nice try." She stepped over her fallen shot glass and walked away, leaving her scent of perfume behind her. She gathered the girls  she came with. They all had the same surprised look on their face when they saw Jenna, making comments about how they didn't see her as a heavy drinker. I could see that Rose agreed to take Jenna home by the way she gently grabbed her from Krystal. From there they all walked out, not taking a second look behind him.

      "Lets go find someone to dance with." Michael suggested, starting towards the crowd of people.

     "I'm good. There's not really a point in having party anymore."  I mumbled, walking  towards the speakers and immediately shutting  the music off. I hopped on one of the black speakers, trying  to get everyones attention. There was a series of yells and groans but could care less. I throw my hands up, and it grows silent.

     "parties over, get out."

    I know it's been so long since I've updated, but i'm back. I'll start updating on a regular basis. I have a lot of idea's for this book and i'm really excited. (:

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