Chapter 2

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As I was pulling up to my new high school, I couldn't count the amount of people I saw turning my way. No Jenna, you're okay Jenna, ignore them Jenna. I hated a lot of attention that some girls craved.

"Just look away." I quietly whispered to myself.

Sure a couple heads turning your way seems like a nice thing, but not when it's just about the whole entire school. All the other girls were dressed in dresses and skirts, maybe that's why I got so much attention. I didn't look like them.

Before I got out I opened the door letting air flow through the car. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths, trying to prepare myself for what this school year has to offer. It could be good, or if could just like my other school which was ten times worse than bad. I peeked my head out the door around the corner and saw that people were looking at me like I was crazy. I could care less at this point, maybe I am a little nuts. So be it. I checked myself in the mirror one last time got out of my car, trying to let the fresh ocean air calm me.

My eyes were pinned to my schedule. Class started in exactly seven minutes. Malibu High, here I come. I found myself completely lost in this huge place. The way everyone was looking at me it seemed like they knew I was the new girl, so I figured this was a really small school. Boy was I wrong. I wandered everywhere looking for my class, which seemed to be health. I didn't understand why I was taking health, a freshman class as a junior , but I guess that's just how this school is.

After years of looking, I stumbled across the room number 205 on the third floor. This seemed to be the class I was looking for. I thought I missed about half the class but it turns out I was only 15 minutes late. I gripped the door handle my hands slick with sweat and slowly turned the knob.

I couldn't believe how everyone was looking at me. They made it seem like I just killed someone! Have they never seen a girl walk in class late before? "Hello, I'm Mrs. Smith, and you must be Jenna." The older lady at the back of the room gave me a welcoming smile and i instantly started to relax.

"Um yeah I, I mean yes, yes that me." How do you respond to a teacher here? I always gave my teachers attitude but it doesn't feel right to do so at the moment.

"Perfect, please take a seat behind Luke."

Did she really expect me to know who that was? The only thing I could do was look around the class. A boy wearing black jeans and a muscle shirt nodded towards his direction, so I was guessing that was him. I walked slowly and took the seat right behind him. As the class continued I felt more and more awkward. Everyone knew each other. They were talking and making jokes.

Luke was talking to his friends around him and I could tell they were the popular crowd, most likely seniors. The kind of people that everyone wanted to be with, the kind that got in trouble, the kind that used to be me. One boy had red hair pointed in all directions and pale skin. The one sitting directly across from Luke had long curly hair and a warm smile plastered on his face. Theboy on curly heads left, had dark hair and warm brown eyes.

The one thing Luke was bad at was trying to hide it when he was looking at someone. I can't even count the number of glances he gave me. I'm not pretty, what's so interesting ? I couldn't take it anymore.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not even trying to hide the attitude in my voice. He handed me a folded piece of paper, making direct eye contact with me for what felt like a long time.
"What is this?"

"A party my friends and I are throwing." He motioned around the room to the three guys who were sitting beside him.
"Be there." He chuckled, playing with his lip ring.

Be there? Who did he think he was? I expected him to turn around and continue talking about rumors with his friends but his eyes stayed placed on mines.

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