Chapter 10

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Jenna's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling like crap. My body was sore and my head was killing me. A series of curse words escaped my lips as realization started to hit me. Did my parent catch me? What happened last night? And most importantly, where the hell am I? I opened my eyes, squinting at the bright light above me.

As everything started to come into view, I could feel my heart rate picking up. I looked around at the purple themed room and the black window behind me. This wasn't my house. This wasn't my room. I glanced down at the loose sweat pants on my legs, realizing they weren't on me the night before. I snapped my head up, regretting it as a sharp pain soared through me. I tried to slowly calm myself, taking deep five deep breaths.

About a minute or so later, Rose came in. I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. She wore a worried expression until she saw I was up.

"Jenna you're awake! I was starting to get the feeling you were never going to get up." Rose held a smug expression, a small smirk evident on her lips.

She ran towards the bed, plopping down next to me. I ignored the rushing pain going through me, happy that I was safe and aware of my surroundings.

"Rose I was starting to think I got kidnapped." My voice cracked as I spoke.

She ignored my comment, instead replying with a simple, "here."

She reached over on her nightstand, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to me. I took a sip, the cold liquid instantly turning my voice back to normal. I sat up in her bed, leaning against the white headboard.

"Rose, please tell me what happened last night. I feel like crap," I whined.

"Well," she clasped her hands together, clearly amused.  "At first I saw you with that Australian hottie Ashton."

I nodded, encouraging her to continue. I rememberd that part perfectly , it was after that when my memory was slightly fuzzy.

"And then the rest of the night you and Luke were mighty cozy. She nudged me, almost knocking me off her small bed. "I mean you guys were all over each other. He was mostly all on you, but still. I told you he likes you."

She laughed, flipping her high ponytail. "And he's the most popular basketball player, so that's a major plus." She reached over to her side and into her desk to pull out a small pink hand held mirror.

"Look." She demanded , handing it to me.

My hair was a tangled mess and my eyes were bloodshot red. To say I looked bad would be an extreme understatement. I started fixing my hair, placing the strands in the correct  place.

"Not that!" She smacked my hand with her palm, rolling her eyes. "Do you not notice anything else,  besides you looking hung over?"

Thats when I did in fact notice it. A big, dark red circle was placed on the side of my neck. I followed the path and noticed at least five more. It felt like I was playing a little  game of connect the dots.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed, horrified by the sight.

"Relax," Rose laughed. "You guys danced and kissed for a while. After that Luke  let you rest in his room, since you had too much to drink. I didn't know you were such a heavy drinker."

I shrugged, ignoring her comment and changing the subject.  "What time is it now?"

She glanced down at her smart phone, "9:45." 

"In the morning?!" Could this day get any worse?

"Again, relax." She ran her fingers through my hair, attempting to calm me down. "My mom called your mom last night and told her you would be over here for a while. Your mom was cool with it, so everything is fine. It'll all wodk out."

I exhaled for about the fifth time that morning. "Thank you so much, I really do owe you." I reached over the small space between us and gave her big hug. I've never been so grateful to have such a good friend.

"What are friends for?" She smiled. " You don't owe me anything. I'm sure if our places were reversed, you would have done the same thing for me."

I thanked Rose for the ride home then climbed out of her dark blue Jeep. I was relieved that she let me keep her night clothes, not sure what my parents would say if I arrived in my black dress.

       Standing Outside the front door for a while, I started to mentally prepare myself for what I might have to deal with.What's the wrost that can possibly happen? I turned the silver handle, and walked in.

I was surprised to see that my parents weren't on the couch waiting to punish me as usual. I carefully walked up the stairs, knocking on their bedroom door.

"Can I come in?" No answer. I looked around the long hallway, but there was no sight of them.

I slowly opened the door expecting them not to be there. I was starting to think that no one was home, until I saw the two figures sitting on the bed. They were sitting onto of the ocean print comforter, glancing at the television ahead. Their eyes wer placed on the screen, avoiding eye contact, but I could tell their mind was elsewhere. I walked in, slowly closing the door behind me.

"Sit." my dad snapped, taking me by suprise and motioning towards the bed.

I took a seat on the edge, playing with my fingers and biting my lower lip, a bad habit I've developed.

"Where were you last night?" My mom asked, her brown eyes finally meeting mine. I could see the look of disappointment on her face. I felt smaller, wanting nothing to than to disappear in that moment.

"Rose said her mom-"

"Jenna please." She immediately cut me off, not buying it. "Im going to ask you one more time," she drew in a long breath. "Where were you?"

"I promise I was with Rose!" I suddenly remembered my neck and grabbed my hair to cover the visible marks.

"Don't even bother, we saw it when you walked in." My dad had an intense stare placed on me. It was something I would expect from my mom, not him. The look was seeping into my soul.

"Listen." My mom stood up, her tone ten times softer than before. "We don't know where you were, or what you were doing there. All I know is if whoever this boy is hurts you, don't you dare come crying to us.

Her words stung a part of me. I've pushed my parents to a certain limit, one where they don't care anymore. "There is no boy! I just wanted to have some fun for one night." I tried to justify my actions, but nothing seemed to work.

As always, my mom wouldn't listen to me. "Do you want to go back to the same routine as before Jenna! Getting hurt so bad that you felt the only option you had was to hurt yourself? I almost lost you. I'm not going to let that happen again!" She screamed. If you want to sneak around and let pain take over you again, be my guest.

By this point tears were streaming down my face and my breathing was uncontrollable. I wish they could understand that Luke meant nothing to me. It was one night out, one night to have fun. I can't keep living in my horrific past, it's time to start moving on. I ran out of my parent's room and into my own, slamming my bedroom door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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