10- Neville Longbottom

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A/N: This isn't a requested one shot as most of my requests have been Draco and Harry requests (#DRARRY!) but I want to break it up a bit by doing different people so that it doesn't get boring, I hope that's okay for you guys... ENJOY! 

Neville was always seen as the nerdy kid in the class that no one would really pay attention to, other than his best friend y/n. She was the only one that really understood how all of the teasing affected Neville. Most nights he would lay there, thinking of everything people had said to him previously that day; "Hey Neville, how are your parents doing? Oh wait, they don't know you!" and "Go back to reading your books about plants, at least you're welcome with that." All of these scarring words deeply hurt him. Y/n was the only one that knew his pain; she cared.

Neville couldn't help but fall for her. It was the cliche friendship that ended in one of them telling the other how they feel. They clearly loved each other, it was obvious to everyone but themselves, y/n was always told that she should tell him how she felt. She considered this but then came to the conclusion that everyone would be too harsh on them and that it wouldn't be fair on Neville; he didn't deserve any more abuse, let alone what he already does.

Each of the friends lived out their school lives at Hogwarts, making it to their seventh years, they remained friends but never told each other how they felt. Years and years later they both realised they had made a great mistake, they longed for each other but never had the chance to finally live out their lives together, with small family that they could call theirs. That was all they ever wanted but it would never happen. 

Neither of them lived happily ever after.

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