3-Draco Malfoy Imagine

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This gets a *little* dirty... So if your not entirely comfortable with reading that I advise you to stop when it gets to that bit❤️ Otherwise, enjoy❤️

You were sat in the Slytherin common room with your boyfriend Draco. He was being extremely quiet when all of a sudden he said, "Hey y/n?"
"Yes baby?" You sweetly replied.
"What can we dooo?" He said dragging on the last word.
"How about we play truth or dare with Crabb, Goyle and Pansy?" You asked.
"Does Pansy have to be there?" He murmured.
"Not if you dont want her to be." You stated.
"Good, she is such a stuck up bi-" You cut him off with a death glare.
"She.is.my.friend!" You shouted a little too loud as several heads of people in higher years turned.

*later that night*

" Goyle, truth or dare?" Draco asked him for what might be the millionth time in the last half hour.
"Truth." He said.
"God Goyle your such a wimp!" Draco sharply said.
You hated it when Draco was mean to his 'friends' even if they were putting up with it. You weren't the typical Slytherin you wouldn't fire a jinx at a Gryffindor just for looking at you unlike certain people. You were actually friend with a few of them and they were really quite nice.
"Y/N!" Crabb shouted you.
"Sorry, day dreaming..." You said as you glanced at the clock, it was 11:30 and you were getting tired.
"Should I say night," You giggled, "anyway, I choose dare." You felt a little bit risky as other dares that night had been: Go to the Ravenclaw common room and shout "Why is your emblem a eagle? RAVENclaws!"; try and wake up the Hufflepuffs by screaming, "What the heck is a Hufflepuff?"
"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Draco." Crabb stated blankly.
"Okay. C'mon baby." You didn't know where the sudden wave of confidence came from. But you liked and so did Draco but the looks of him. His mouth was gaping at you as he looked at you with slightly lustful eyes. You pulled him into the girls dormitory as they were with their boyfriends as well. You walked up to Draco and undid hid tie. You seductively wrapped it around you neck and laid down on god knows who's bed. He crawled on top of you and started to lean closer as he wrapped his plump lips around you sweet spots, all over your neck. You moaned slightly at this intense feeling of pleasure he was giving you. Draco had memorised these over the past couple of years, not that it was a bad thing. As he started to un-button your shirt, you heard a squeal of an all too familiar voice,
"Omg! Draco and y/n are in there!" Pansy.
Everyone came running in as both you and Draco laid under the covers in embarrassment.
"That was a long 7 minutes!" Goyle exclaimed.

Hey❤️ A Draco imagine was highly highly requested!😝 I really hope you guys liked this one.❤️

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