1-Harry Potter

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*not proof read*
Your POV
Buckbeak's appeal was yesterday. Harry seemed really down what with his O.W.L.S and the appeal, you really wanted to cheer him up.

Harry's POV
"I will catch you later Ron." Harry called to Ron. "Hey Y/N" he said in not a very lively way, you didn't answer but just handed him a piece of paper that read: Hey Harry meet me in the common room at 8:30pm, see you there, Y/N xx
Later that night I walked down to the common room and it was completely empty but with a fire roaring and one chair occupied with my favourite person Y/N

*in Harry's head*
We had been friends since I can remember. Being in our third year and the same house (Gryffindor) we were basically inseparable. She knew about my whole life from Voldermort, to the Dursleys, to my parents, she always knew how to make me feel better after a rough day. Every secret had been shared, apart from one.

I had the biggest crush on her. her perfect blue eyes and her shoulder length ombré brown hair. she reminded me of myself, came to Hogwarts knowing nothing. Her whole life had been a lie. Adopted at 7 months old and only 3 years ago was she told. But the note confused me, surely if she wanted to talk I me she would just say?
*real life*
She stood up and faced me.
"Hey Harry." she simply spoke.
"Whats up?" he said.
"you've been really down lately and I couldn't stand it so..."
I pointed my wand at the table and up popped: freezing cold pumpkin juice, chocolate frogs, Honeyduke's best chocolate and any other food you could imagine.
"I had a word with the cooks and they cooked up a little something for a movie night."
"how did you get everyone out of the common room?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter," I said "what does matter is that you feel better." I then smiled.

After what felt like 100 movies, laughs, chocolate frogs and glasses of pumpkin juice I said "Harry, can I tell you something out of confidence?
"Of course you can Y/N."
"Harry," I began "I have had the biggest crush on you for the past 3 amazing years of knowing you."

What he did next shocked me, I felt a pair of lips meet mine. I of course went along with it, the feeling I had wished for, for so long.

"I really do love you Y/N."
"Guess what Harry."
"What?" He said with a worried look on his gorgeous face,
"I love you too." his face instantly brightened up again relived. That was the day I became my best friend's Girlfriend.

Hey beauties, hope you like my FIRST EVER imagine. I have wanted to do them for so long but never had time what with all the other internetinng I do! But, Internet kids never sleep!

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