6- Ron Weasley

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As you were feeling extremely lonely, you decided to take a walk around the dark, deserted corridors of Hogwarts. It was about 11:00pm, your warm robe was wrapped around your body as if to protect you from anything that was also wandering the corridors at this time of night, knowing Hagrid, it'll probably be one of his creatures that swallows you hole if anything.

Suddenly, you heard faint whispering; you hid in a shadow making you able to eaves drop; "Over here! Not there, here!" a loud bang followed with a long, screeching "OOOOWWWWWWWW!" filled the corridors. All of a sudden you heard the all too familiar voice of Professor Snape. "Potter, Weasley, 50 points from Gryffindor for the both of you! Now back to your dormitory!" He shuffled away whilst murmuring "I'll definitely be having words with Minerva about this." The two boys tried to look as cool as possible while getting away but ended up running like little girls...

Whilst you were sat in potions the next day there was stern knock on the door and in swept Professor McGonagall, the hiding game you played the previous night came to your advantage. The whole class were whispering "Why's she her?" and "What does she want?"

She then spoke "Mr Potter and Mr Weasley, I would appreciate it if you would kindly follow me outside. Sorry for disrupting you Severus." You knew she wasn't sorry at all...

"Boys, Professor Snape has told me of your antics last night. Would I be right in saying you were caught wandering the corridors, alone?" She began. "Yes professor." they both answered in unison. "Would I also be right in saying that it was Professor Snape that caught you in this action?" She questioned.

"Yes Professor." They said in unison yet again. 

"Boys I hate to have to do this to members of my own house but it'll have to be detention for the both of you." With a disappointed look on her face she left the two boys to go back to their lesson. "We heard every single word of that Potter." Spat Malfoy. You hated to agree with him but the walls in the dungeon were surprisingly thin. Obviously, Snape had also heard everything. The idea of two Gryffindors, especially Harry and Ron, getting detention made his thin, pale lips curve into a cruel smile.

Later that day you had transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, you hated this lesson with a burning passion.  Walking into the classroom as slowly as possible you placed yourself into the seat you had been assigned for this year, this was right at the front of the classroom so that Professor McGonagall could keep a close eye on you at all times. She knew that you strongly disliked this subject and that you liked to cause mischief 24/7. The lesson hadn't even reached the five minute mark when you decided to have a little fun. You quietly muttered, pointing your wand at Ron Weasley, who you have the biggest crush upon, "Wingardium Leviosar." With that he slowly but surely started to hover above his seat, he then (through no choice of him own) started to climb higher and higher towards the ceiling, you felt bad but the feeling subsided when a burst of laughter exploded from your mouth. Now, Professor McGonagall wasn't one to make accusations but when you were in her class she couldn't help but say "Y/N! Detention." You weren't even going to try and argue with her. "Oh, you can join your classmates." She threw a look to Harry and Ron, they just sunk into their seats.

At precisely 8:30pm you were stood waiting for Professor McGonagall to open the door to her class room, your job for tonight was lines. "I will not perform spells on my classmates." Was what you had to write, 600 times. You'd never heard of people getting this many lines before, McGonagall must be really sick of you. At least you had your 'special' quill, this sped up your writing, Zonko's had recently released them. It would take you no more than half an hour to complete the detention, then you could get back to helping Peeves trash the school, yeah it would land you another detention but it would be worth it. Interrupting your thoughts was Ron, scrambling down the corridors repeatedly mumbling: "late, late, late, late." Where was Harry?

The door was open by now and there was Harry, already sat at a desk. "Harry has unfortunately landed a double detention with me. Please find a seat and take out your paper, you'll be using a school quill, I heard Zonko's had a quill that speeds any writing task up on sale. I have no patience for things such as those."

"Damn," you though "I'm here for life." 

"I'm going to have to leave you for a short time tonight, I have other business to take care of. I trust you will complete the task and leave it on my desk. Thank you Harry, Ron and Y/N."

After the 453 line, Harry stood up and wrapped what seemed to be a coat of flimsy glass around his shoulders then said, "See you later." He then wrapped the rest of it around his head and vanished, literally. This left you and Ron alone. What he did next surprised you, he walked over to you, picked you up and walked back to his chair with you wrapped him. He sat you down onto his lap and started to kiss you ever so gently. You pulled apart from each other and he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, you giggled softly and he sat staring at you for a short time, but not in a creepy way. He was simply admiring your beauty. What happened from then on is history but what you can say is, those 600 lines were never completed.



Thank you so much for reading this, it was by far the longest one I've written so if you read from the very beginning to the very end and all the bits in between I am so, so, so grateful! It took me so long, so if you just give it a little vote it would mean the world. Also, thank you for over 6K reads! Its honestly crazy, thank you beautiful people so much<3

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