Chapter 1

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Hello from 2016 me. I have not edited any of this story, on account of keeping it's original cringe level the way it is. Beware many grammatical and spelling mistakes, along with the wrong your/ you're etc. Proceed with caution, and thank you so much for reading. -Ari

chapter 1:

"Ms. Jenkins, your late, again." Mr.Rodgers, my math teacher said, as I tried to slowly slide into class. All eyes were on me, as I took my seat in the very back of the room. My life has been hard ever since I was labeled 'a nerd'. I get constantly bullied, and I've tried to turn my life back to the way it was, where I was popular. I mean, I have rusty brown hair, that only looks good in a low ponytail, dark brown eyes to match, and thin lips, that rarely form a smile. Oh, did I forget to mention that I have to wear big dumb glasses, and I've got braces. I am the absolute expectation of a nerd. When I was in 8th grade, my best friend, Tiffany, became popular, so I, naturally became popular as well. Tiffany slowly started getting meaner and meaner everyday, until finally, I rejected one of her dumb slumber parties because we had a huge math test the next day, that I had to study for, because I couldn't afford to fail it (like all the other math tests (because I suck at math)). Hence the name 'the school nerd'. Im in my senior year now, and it's been hard making friends. I just need someone to lean on.

"Ms. Jenkins, one more tardy, and I have no other choice than to give you a suspension. Don't make it happen again." He continued. I nodded, and then hid behind my math binder, hoping not too many people were staring at me. If only he knew that the reason I was late, was because I was getting beat up in the hallways, by guys (and girls) twice the size of me! Ever heard of that expression (and federal crime) 'Never hit a woman'. Ya, well, I guess that doesn't apply to me, because guys still beat me up, and don't get in trouble for it.

I was lost in thought, about what I would tell my older brother, when I got home. I live with my 25 year old brother, because my parents left us when he turned 18. Guess they thought I was fine too, even though I was only 11. No matter, though, because when ever I get home, he's either drunk, passed out, or having sex on the kitchen table with his slutty girlfriend Jessica. So I pushed it to the back of my mind, and tuned in to what Mr. Rodgers was saying.

"Okay class, like I was saying before Ms. Jenkins made her rather rude entrance, we have a new student." I quickly looked up to see a stalky boys, with thick glasses, and a sweater vest and tie on. His dark black hair was completely slicked back with tons of hair gel. He had his books clutched in his hands, and was looking down at the floor. I can't believe I didn't notice him when I walked in, he was, pretty tall. "This is Marcel, he's new here, so I expect you all to treat him nicely, and if he needs help finding his classes, don't be afraid to step in and help. Now it looks like the only empty seat is in the back." Oh great he was coming over hear. Even when I was popular, I always had trouble with boys.

With that, Mr.Rodgers turned back to the board, and circled the problem he wanted us to do, then said he had to go get the sheets he printed off for our lesson today. While Marcel was coming to sit down, Tiffany's boyfriend, Brad (quarterback of the football team) stuck out his leg, and tripped him. He fell to his knees, dropping everything, while the whole class laughed... Except me. I knew what it felt like to be bullied, and I didn't want the same for him, so I went over and helped pick up his stuff, while Tiffany made more nerd jokes. When we sat down, he quietly whispered "T-thanks" and I nodded.

After a few minutes of not knowing how to solve anything in the math problem, I decided to get some courage and talk to the boy. He had finished it in about the first 30 seconds, and now had his nose in a book. I quickly glanced at the cover, and saw he was reading "Harry Potter, and the Deathly Hallows", so I turned and said really awkwardly, "So you like J.K. Rowling?"

He looked at me strangely, and then nodded slightly.

"Oh, well, is it any good?" I asked, while looking into his eyes. They were an emerald green, and they shined in the light. Where have I seen those eyes before?

Marcel caught me, and said, "I-it's okay I-i guess... W-what are you l-looking at?"

Oops, stared for too long... Make up a dumb excuse... "I looking at that poster that says "use your brain... Yeah" Come on... that was it? Looks like you failed the improv test Emma...

"Oookkaayy..." He whispered, and went back to his book.

"I'm Emma, by the way. Emma Jenkins." I stuck out my hand.

"I-I'm Marcel, Marcel Styles." My mouth dropped. I am a huge One Direction fan, so if Marcel was related to Har- oh my gosh, that's where I've seen those eyes! They are almost identical to Harry's!

"Are you-" I started.

"H-Harry's younger b-brother, ya" he smiled. His teeth were perfectly strait, and a bright white. I was still sitting there, like a loser, with my mouth open. Then I quickly realized people were staring, because he quickly put his book back in front of his face. I stopped, and realized we only had 5 more minutes of class, and I hadn't even started the math problem yet. Marcel must have noticed I was struggling, because he tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "You n-need some h-help?" I looked up and nodded, while he slowly came closer to me. He reached for my pen to show me how to do the math, when he accidentally touched my finger tips. Suddenly, my stomach did a flip, and butterflies flew around so fast, it was like they had just drank 5 cans of red bull. He quickly pulled his hand away, while whispering "sorry". I didn't know what to say, until the lunch bell interrupted my thoughts. Marcel grabbed all his stuff, and was the first one out of the room. What. Just. Happened.


Marcel imagine!!!! Yahhhh!!!! There's nothing I love more than a good nerd romance! So I'd love it if you voted for this story, and followed me! That would be awesome!!! Could you guys also comment what you think should happen next? That would be great!!!! Peace out y'all! Bye!!!


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