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Gerard P.O.V

I sat back down in my chair, rocking it back and forth. I had introduced myself so many times, to so many different people, that the whole experience was growing tedious. I was running out of ways to describe myself in different, creative ways. Frank smiled, staring down at the table. At least I had cheered him up.

"That was- different. Anyway..." The teacher began, pushing her green glasses back up her nose to cover her eyes.

As creepy as it sounded, I watched him the whole hour. He barely listened, instead he doodled on the neglected wooden desk. His tiny little drawings of planets mingled with 'Jenny was here'- which had been hastily scribbled into the splintering wood. I admired his disregard for the rules, and judging by the fact that he would smile from time to time, he knew it. I bit my lip, attempting to hide the matching smile trying to escape from the corners of my mouth.

"Pretty." I said, not knowing if I had directed the compliment at him, or his little planet doodles.

"I know you are." He said, not realising what he said. I raised an eyebrow, nodding my head. He stopped drawing, instantly realising what he had said. His pale skin lit up, a bright, almost fluorescent red, his eyes refusing to make contact with mine. Instead of a smile, a loud snigger left from behind my lips. The teacher shot me a dirty look. Not behaviour she would expect from a new pupil in her beloved English classroom.

"Mr Way, may I ask what you find so funny?" She wanted to catch me off guard, but that wasn't something that anybody this past century had succeeded in.

"It's nothing more important than your recital of Romeo and Juliet. Please, continue." I said, waving my hand as a gesture to say 'continue'. She pulled a face, her eyes returning to her old, battered copy of the Shakespeare classic.

The class ended at the sound of the bell, each student stood up in sync, leaving the class in a ceremonial manner. I frowned, carefully putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Mr Way?" The teacher called, looking up from her laptop. I looked at her, she froze. I wasn't prepared to listen to her, so I thought that it would take a little persuasion to get her off my back.
As we walked together into the crowds, Frank turned to me.

"You're bleeding." He motioned to my nose.

"Shit." I said instantly, my hand shot up to my face, covering it. The repercussions of abusing my power, especially was when I was weak; I was very weak.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Frank asked, he was very concerned about me. I tilted my head back, feeling the black, tasteless blood trickle down my throat. I felt sick, weaker. I grabbed hold of Frank's shoulder, dragging him into a nearby bathroom, slamming the door behind us.

"I'm just fine," I said, as my stomach churned for the first time in a while, 'wait there'. I instructed him. He nodded, quite scared by our sudden entrance into the bathroom. I stepped into a stall, leaning down so that my head was level with the toilet.
I threw up with a loud retch, my hands shaking as I tried not to touch anything. I stood, still shaking. I wiped my mouth, the black liquid cascading from my body would surely terrify him, and I couldn't afford that.

"Do you need me to take you to the school nurse? You sound pretty rough." He asked, his voice quivering, was he afraid?

"Nah, I'm good. I'm good." I breathed in and out, hyperventilating. I needed to get home, I needed to feed- properly.
I unlocked the stall door with one hand, leaning in the entrance.

"You look like you've eaten dirt." He frowned. I looked into the mirror, my mouth was stained black.

"It's tasty." I said sarcastically, staggering towards the mirror so that I could wash my face.

The door to the bathroom swung open, somebody was standing in the doorway. To my surprise, it wasn't Mikey. He had an odd sense of occasion, and would always show up when something like that happened to me. But, it wasn't Mikey. It was an average-height, unattractive 'beefcake', with a buzzcut and a reddened eye; oops.

"Oh look, Iero has a little friend. Fucked him yet? He looks like he's gagging for it." Red-eyed guy said, creeping into the light with a devilish grin.

"Leave him out of it Max." Frank sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Frankie Faggot, shut the fuck up. I'm talking to your fuck buddy. Have you fucked him yet?" He asked me, he was intent on getting an answer. And a great answer, would be what he received.

"It's not nice, to say words like that, Maximilian. I'm sure your mother would be very disappointed with you, wouldn't she?" I asked, walking slowly towards him as my boots collided with the broken tiles beneath them.


"Wouldn't she, Maximilian?" I asked again, getting ever so close to him. His cheap cologne burnt my nostrils, but it was a much better fragrance than my old blood.

"Wouldn't want a matching bruised eye, would you? It looks like it hurts." I prodded him in the face, causing him to wince in pain. He shook his head slowly, staring down at his feet.

"Do me a huge favour, stop taking your fucking insecurities out on him. Now, leave." I pushed him out of the bathroom, sending him hurtling to the ground. I picked up my bag from the ground, dragging Frank from the room.
Song Of The Chapter- AOV by Slipknot

When I think of anger, my mind immediately goes to SLIPKNOT! And I just wanted to know, does anybody actually enjoy this story? Or am I completely deluded? XD

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