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Gerard P.O.V

Frank living with me was one of the greatest things that had ever happened to me. I loved waking up next to him, cutely curled up in a ball, my hand tucked closely to his chest.
I stroked his cheek, lulling him from his sleep.

"I don't feel too hot Gee." He groaned, squirming close to me. I pouted, planting a kiss on his warm forehead.

"Do you want some water or something? Ice?" I asked, his temperature was soaring, something cold was the only intelligent thing that I could think of. He shook his head stubbornly, squeezing my arm.
"Or, I could kiss you. Maybe that'll work." I chuckled. He punched me playfully, his other arm clutching his stomach.

I told him to stop being so stubborn. He was probably hungry, and I knew what he liked to eat. Something with a shit tonne of e-numbers, no doubt.I made him sit down at the breakfast bar, where he placed his head on the cold marble. I shoved a glass of blue stuff in front of him.

"Drink it." I said, standing in front of him. He frowned; he didn't suit anger.
"Don't do that, you don't suit it. Smile, because it makes us both happy." I lifted his head, his eyes squinting from the pain that his body was causing him.
He drank, ending his protest. He didn't know that I had slipped some of my venom into it-only a drop. It would ease his pain more than painkillers. This time it wouldn't burn, there wasn't enough.

"As it's the weekend, I was wondering what you wanted to do. You're my guest, so you decide." I came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him against my chest. He nuzzled into me affectionately.

"Don't give me that much responsibility." He protested, pouting. I squeezed his cheeks, trying to get rid of that awful pout.

"If you don't choose, we'll end up camping. I know that you won't want to do that." I joked. Although, time alone in the middle of nowhere with Frank did appeal to me. There's all sorts of shit that we could get up to, I thought. But, we did own a pretty decent cabin in the middle of nowhere. That could be interesting.

"I've never been camping before, it's a father-son thing." He sighed.
His dad hadn't been around for his childhood, so I understood why he may not have wanted to go. I assured him that it was okay, and that I had something much better to do. I would take advantage of that cabin.

"Are we there yet Gee?" Frank whined, resting his head on my shoulder. I chuckled, ignoring his question. He had asked me that question a million times; I was getting happiness from his eagerness. He groaned, resting his head against the window. Luckily, it would only be Frank and I- much to Mikey's dismay. He loved being miles away from civilisation, and probably wanted to woo another girl. I really wouldn't have been surprised if he had had a girl in every state; one one every continent at a push.

"Be patient, I know it's hard for you." I joked. He frowned sarcastically. I winked at him, a smile escaping my lips. He pouted, grabbing hold of my hand. His skin was clammy, but it was still as pale as usual. He liked it when I would rub my thumb along the backs of his hands, he would always squirm.

"Is Mikey pissed that we're going wherever it is that we're going, alone?" He asked, mouth left slightly open.

"Yeah, but he'll get over it. He likes to stay with me at all times, I guess that he doesn't really trust me." I shrugged. We were nearing the cabin, all that we had to do was go through the forest. It was peaceful, isolated. The trees towered over the car.

"What do you mean he doesn't trust you?" The happiness ebbed away slowly, I could tell that he suddenly was having second thoughts.

"Dude, you know that I love you. You know that I would never hurt you. You also know the lengths that I'd go to protect you. Fuck, I had to stop myself from tearing limbs off a guy that tried to kill you Frankie. Trust me, I'd never hurt you." My words exploded from the deepest depths of my absent soul. I was upset, but the passionate glint in my eye told him that I was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry. I trust you, I trust you." He whispered, kissing my shoulder. I hoped that he was sincere, otherwise I'd drive him straight home. Maybe as a dramatic, drastic action I'd leave town and never come back. If he couldn't trust me, then I'd rather leave him alone to be safe; far away from me.

"Don't think that way." He said to me, slapping my arm. I glanced at him, he looked up at me, scolding me with his eyes. Surely he couldn't have heard what I was saying in my head; he couldn't mentally do that.
He was a mortal, and his brain functioned normally, like a human. Unless, my venom had been changing him. I brought the car to a stop, closing my eyes with a huge sigh.
Song Of The Chapter- Juarez by Gerard Way

So, we've reached over 1K, and I can't thank everybody enough! I'm literally insanely happy, and I kinda wanna thank everyone for getting me this far. I know 1K isn't particularly big, but to me it's a massive thing. So thank you, and I hope that you've all enjoyed the story so far

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