Chapter 14

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             ***Third Person POV***
Harry slowly made his way back up to the castle. He really didn't want to deal with his work,and at that Hermione going on about it.

"Harry! Harry! Wait!" A voice yelled from around a corner. Harry stopped. It was Ginny.

"Harry,can you give me some advice?" She asked,out of breathe from running down the hall.

"Yeah sure Ginny,what you need?"

"I uh, I like this kid in my year. He's a really great guy,and well I don't know how to ask him out. We hang out all the time,and if he doesn't like me back,I don't want things to be awkward." She blushed deeply.

Harry was honored that she had came to him for this. "Ginny,just tell him that you like him. If he doesn't like you back,well it's his lose. Don't let it bother you. Who is it?"

"He's a Hufflepuff. His name is Stanley. He's the blonde that is really good at herbology." She blushed again.

"The one who follows Neville like a lost puppy? I think I know the kid." Harry tried thinking of who it was.

"Yeah that's the one." She was majorly blushing now. Her face was so red,it looked like her hair was on her face. "Thank you Harry. Oh! There he is! Wish me luck Harry!"

"Good luck!" He yelled after her as she ran down the hall. He watched them for a few minutes, then continued on down the hall to get to the Griffindor common room.

All he wanted to do was go to sleep. He wanted to lay in bed and think about what could've happened between him and Draco. Draco had a side to him that Harry hadn't ever thought would be there. He was kinda surprised at it.

He climbed through the fat lady's picture,after mumbling some random words that sounded close to the password. He looked around the common room,found Hermione and Ron curled up alseep together in one of the gaint chairs by the fire,so he just snuck off to the dorms.

Oh how he couldn't wait for the next day to go by fast. Draco had never said a time, so he didn't know when he should go to the room of requirement. He thought he would sneak off after classes if Draco hadnt came and told him what time to meet him.

With the thought of Draco on his mind,he fell asleep with a tiny smile on his face.

Way below,in the Slytherin dorms,Draco done the same.

Hey guys! Long time no read. I've been having trouble with my eyes again(time for a new pair of glasses) so it's been hard for me to sit and type very long. I have to take small breaks or my eyes start hurting. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day(little late,sorry) I had a wonderful one. I'll try and update soon

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