Chapter Three

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After Harry and Draco got back to their houses common room. Draco walked straight past Pansy and Crable and Goyle. They had waited for him to get back but once he came back he was so happy that he just wanted to be alone and replay the nights events in his mind.

When Harry got back to his common room he went to the bedrooms. He was as happy as Draco, but not like Draco, he stayed awake to to tell Ron. Ron didn't know Harry was bi, but when Harry told him, he was okay as long as Harry didn't try to put the move on him.

  The night carried on, and as they sleep, which neither of them got very much sleep, they dreamed of their future together. Draco knew his father would not approve, but his mother would. Harry could care less if his aunt and uncle cared, they bearly cared about him anyways. Harry's dreamed turned from him and Draco to what his life could have been like with his mom and dad.

  That morning, which was Friday morning, they both went triedly to the great hall for breakfast and when they saw each other they smilled the biggest either had smile in a long time.  But they realized everyone was stirring at them so they looked away, smiles still on their face.

"What was that about?"  Ginny asked. Ginny, oh crap Ginny! How can break the news to Ginny?, thought Harry

"Oh, that nothing. Its not like anything is going on between me and Drac-Malfoy." Harry said, Drat, almost said Draco's name!!!, thought Harry.

"Come on Harry, your not that good of a lier, what's going on between you and Malfoy." Ginny had a look of coming hurt in her eyes. Harry knew he had to tell her. Ron looked at him and mouthed 'you have to tell her, its okay with me, I won't hate you.'

"Me and Draco have a date Saturday at Hogsmade. We found out last night that we both like each other and that we have for a long time." Harry said in a rush.

Ginny's look of hurt spread when Harry said that. "Was us dating a game to you? We were still dating when you made the plan to go on a date with him. Harry James Potter, I do not want to talk to you ever again. Good bye."
   And Ginny slapped Harry and ran off, Hermione gave Harry a 'we will talk later' look and ran off after Ginny. "She took that well." Ron said. "But it had to be done, I've seen how you've looked at Malfoy and how you've been a little away from her. Don't think this means I hate you now." Ron said, looking a little grim.

Malfoy saw and heard the whole thing. Harry telling Ginny that he and Harry were going on a date. Harry didn't say anything about him and Ginny still dating. He had thought they broke up a month ago, looks like they hadn't. Was he the reason Harry and Ginny have been having problems? He was the one who had just made them break up. He thought that he might want to go find Ginny and tell her that he didn't know they were dating still when he had asked Harry on a date.

Draco was now running threw the halls trying to find The Weasley girl and Granger. He should probably start calling them by their names if he was to be dating Harry. BAM! He had ran in to someone, or two someone's. Ginny and Hermione.

"What do you want Malfoy? Haven't you already helped?" Ginny snapped at him.

  "Ginny, look, I didn't know you and Harry were still dating when I asked him to meet me last night. And when I asked him on a date for Saturday he never said he had a girlfriend. I didn't mean for this to happen. I had heard that you two had broken up. I'm so so sorry." by now Draco was crying. it put him in pain for Ginny that Harry hadn't told him that they were dating and that Harry had said yes to a date when he had a girlfriend.

"Why are you crying, you have Harry. You should hear the way he talks about you. I knew it was only a matter of time tell I lost him but I let my self keep falling for him! Draco, just please don't hurt him. He's already been hurt so much." Ginny now was in Draco's arms sobbing. Hermione, who had been just standing there, backed up slowing and made her way away from them, see as they would like to talk.

Hermione, seeming to know things before anyone else, had knew that Harry and Draco would end up together, what she hasn't known was Draco would be the one to be there for Ginny when Harry broke her heart to go out with Draco. Hermione was usually not one who was found at a surprise. But this surprised her more than her Hogwarts letter.

  Hermione went looking for Ron and Harry. She had a lot to tell them, weather they listened or not.

okay this is the third chapter of 'Drarry, were they meant to be?'. I still
have no idea where I'm going with this. This chapter was mainly written to clam me down. I had gotten very mad, and I don't get very mad easily, and so that's why there is a little heart break and misspelled word, auto correct got most of them but not all of them. I wrote this very fast to. so I'll let you get on with the next chapter, well when its here anyways. bye

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