Triple The Love (Chapter 4)

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So today Harry wasn't at school. Apparently he has the flu. Since he was gone, I spent the day with Marcel. Edward spent the day with other friends. Marcel and I have a lot of classes together so we talked in class instead of listening to the teacher.

After class, Marcel stopped me and asked if I wanted to have lunch with him. Of course I agreed. He bought lunch for me since I forgot my money at home. During lunch, I realised he's not a total nerd. He's just smart and dresses differently. He's actually a lot like me. He cares about the environment and keeps it clean. 

He also knows what he wants to do in the future. Unlike most kids in high school who have no clue what their life goal is. I respect Marcel since he's so smart. That's why I like him. Not sure if he likes me though. He's not flirty like Harry is. And he's not daring like Edward is. So it's not like he'll just straight up tell me.

Lunch was over and he walked me to my class first. He kissed me on the cheek before he left to go to his class. He also said "See ya later babe. Meet me at the front when school is over."

After school, I met him at the front like he told me to. I had no idea what to expect but met him there anyway.  I didn't see him, but five minutes later I felt someone hug me by the waist. I turned around to see Marcel. He kissed me on the cheek again. He asked "Would you like to study after school tomorrow with me?" Shocked at his question, I agreed to study with him. "Y- y -es Marcel I'll study with you."

I was shocked because Edward is usually the one who would be straight up asking you on a date. But Marcel was like that today. It's not a bad thing, I was just shocked. I wonder how our study date will be though. I'm quite nervous.

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