Triple The Love(Chapter 7)

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A couple of hours later,  the doorbell rings again. I run towards the door and fix my hair, then open the door. "Hello, beautiful." Edward says. "Hi." I said with a smile. "I'm leaving, Mom. I'll be back later. Love you." "Love you too, honey." I hear my mom say. 

We get out on the driveway to his car and he opens the door for me. "So, where are we going?" I say. He turns towards me and says "You'll find out soon." he said with a grin. He has his hand out between our seats, he's wearing a Pierce The Veil bracelet. One of my favorite bands. Ever. "You like Pierce the Veil?" I say to make the car ride not so awkward. "I absolutely love them. They're my favorite band." "Mine too. Do you have a favorite song?" I say. "Uhm...probably Bulletproof Love." "Mine too, I love your bracelet, by the way." "Thank you, love." 

He parked into a restauraunt I've never heard of. He opens my door and helps me out of the car, when I'm out he grabs my hand.

"Table for two?" The waitress asked. "mhm." Edward said. The waitress lead us to a table and handed us menus. He didn't bother to look at them, instead he looked at me. I felt nervous because he was staring at me. I said "Is everything okay? I haven't eaten yet so I know I don't have food on my face." He laughed. "No, I was just staring at your beauty. So you like Pierce The Veil, huh? Have you ever been to a concert?" "I blushed at his first comment. "Uhm no, I've always wanted to though. I haven't gone because nobody else knew who they were. I wouldn't want to go to a concert alone." "If I ever get tickets to a concert, you're coming with me." "Okay." I laughed. 

The rest of the lunch was nice, it's actually a pretty good restauraunt. When he dropped me off at home, before I walked in my house he gave me a small kiss on my cheek, then my forehead. "Until next time, when we go to a concert." He winked and drove off. I can't believe that I've actually found someone with the same music taste as me, it's amazing. Especially since it's Edward. When I get inside, I see something that I would never in my life expect to see. 

SORRY GUYS I'M LEAVING YOU AT A CLIFFHANGER. I promise I will write more,I just had terrible writer's block but I'm back now. Tell me your opinion on who your favorite Styles' triplet is and who you hope she ends up with! When this gets over 100 reads I will update. love you guys!

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