If It's Your Birthday, Read This (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY)

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This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever written. ENJOY!

Picture yourself waking up from a long night's sleep feeling extra good with a smile naturally taking shape. Now we all know no one wakes up this way, making today even weirder, but you soon realized once again that it was your birthday! This makes you all giddy inside and out.

"SURPRISE." A very loud and deep voice exclaims from the corner of your bedroom. You yelp and jump a foot off the mattress as the comforter almost took flight. You live alone.

When you looked over, trembling, you noticed it wasn't a robber of any sort, it was in fact the nicest human being on the planet, Markiplier.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy..?

Either way no matter if it was real or if you were just lucid dreaming, you went with it. MARKIPLIER was in your house wishing you happy birthday with mini poppers and a sound maker hanging from his mouth. Why not go with it?

The realization that you weren't properly presentable at the moment broke you from your initial buzz of seeing him, you freaked out a bit before he spoke again. "Today is your birthday. You look amazingly gorgeous, as always." He then blew the squeaky sound maker, causing it to extend outward with a completely straight face. "I already thanked your mom for giving birth to you today."

"You talked to my mom..?"

Before he could answer, distant sirens began sounding.

"Oh. The cops might be coming at any minute now, so...GOTTA BLAST!"

He broke ran your window and ran out at lightning speed causing you to do a much needed double take. It was then, that you also rushed to the bathroom with the urge to vomit.

Then everything started making a bit more sense...

How drunk did I get last night?!

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