The Best Friend

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Lately you'd been having an unusual amount of time to yourself. Although utilizing this time wasn't hard, in picking up a book, cleaning up or actually cooking for yourself, it was still undeniable and different. It tended to get boring all of a sudden. Lonely is a word that wants to come to mind but doesn't, because you know you can always text a friend randomly and start up a conversation. You had these thoughts one night after work when you noticed yourself struggling to find something to do, which, just felt weird.

Your time normally flew by much faster for some reason. You wouldn't even give it a second thought before.

But now, as you stand in the middle of your apartment looking around aimlessly like a mom trying to remember something; hands on your hips with loosely furrowed brows and tightened lips, you had no choice but to revise on what's caused such a drastic change.

Work hasn't been any different. Go in at 9, leave at 5, no early releases or anything. No pre-determined plans had been cancelled. The internet still worked. You'd been keeping up with friends and family as normal.

You sighed as you kicked off your shoes and heavily flopped onto the couch. Then someone popped into your head, your best friend Mark. Things gradually started coming together. You hadn't spoke to him in at least a few days, possibly over a week, and didn't even realize. Mark always texts you when you get home from work or you text him, letting him know you got home safely. Sometimes you'll swing by his house on the way home if he's not recording. But none of that had happened within a decent period.

You'd never really noticed how used to it you got.

Upon this, you grew worried for your best friend. The clock read 5:46. He might be busy, you thought. But you went ahead and shot a text to Mark and asked how he was doing.

You decided to rummage through the fridge to fulfill your stomach's needs and found last night's vegetables from the steak you cooked. It shocked you; who knew you had such chef-like skills?

Before you had time to set the timer on the microwave, your phone rang on the coffee table - and you practically ran to get it. It was Mark, as you hoped, calling you back. You cleared your throat anxiously, noticing how nervous you suddenly were to talk to him.


"Hey Y/N."

A bit of worry washed through your face and voice. "How are you, man? Why does it feel like it's been years since we spoke?"

Mark laughed a bit, "Even though it's only been about a week or so? Jee, I dunno." You giggled - you actually giggled - in response. "I'm alright. Had a longer week than usual I guess, even though I cannot validate my misfortune of not speaking to you," he grunted the last part in a funny but painful-sounding voice.

Through the small talk you exchanged at first, you could hear something in Mark. You'd be easy to miss it; just barely a scratchy undertone in his vocal chords. Sometimes something similar happens when he screams too hard, but it's not the same. You identified it pretty quickly.

He had you laughing like crazy, bringing back that comforting white noise that had been missing. He then roughly cleared his throat - twice, since it didn't work the first time, "Hey if it's not too late, you wanna come over? I can throw a pizza in there quick."

"I'm still in my work clothes..." you said as a warning.

He scoffed, "I don't give a fuck what you're wearing Y/N."

As it turns out, things felt normal again at Mark's house. Like nothing changed. You could either sit and watch YouTube with him on his iPad for hours or talk endlessly to him about anything and everything. Tonight was a little bit of both as you shared a pepperoni pizza and fed Chica the crust, the two of you embracing the euphoria.

The dog, high out of her mind on people food, completely disregarded the rules and hopped beside you on the leather couch. She inched her way into your lap, eyeing Mark in silence and placing two paws on your thigh.

"Excuse me ma'am." You said hiding a smile, you couldn't help but fluff her ears at how adorable that was. "What a difference a week of absence can make, am I right?"

"I guess so. She really has missed you."

"Oh and you haven't?" You cocked your head around raised your eyebrows. Expecting a laugh or something, you simply got a somber shrug in return. Almost apologetic. His brown eyes avoiding yours by barely looking past Chica.

Mark seemed genuinely sad. That scratch in his voice was still present and his head hung slightly low when he sat beside you, slowly kneading his hands. It wasn't something you could ignore. Your gaze averted downward while you searched for the right words to say. In the end, you ended up just asking what was wrong.

At first he laughed, the personality and blunt concern from his friend warming his heart for a moment. "I-I'm sorry Y/N, I really didn't mean to not talk to you for so long. I just...had a lot going on, which is like the shittiest excuse ever." He set his glasses on the table and nervously glided a hand over his face.

"You're right. It is." Neither of you looked up for a second. "But I'm listening."

He reluctantly continued, popping each knuckle as he went. "Work has just been getting a little behind recently. No one's said anything, but I know they know. All the editing time and making up for late videos and being able to keep a simple appointment. I'm okay, it all just piled on for couple days. Then there was this girl..." you widened your eyes for a second when he paused take a breath. "This girl I knew. I was trying to squeeze that in, but that didn't work out."

"I'm sorry about that."

"No no, it's fine. It's alright, I've just been under some new pressure lately I guess. But shockingly, this is the most relief I've felt this week. Talking about it, with you, having you here altogether has actually made things better," he smiled warmly. This left you at an awkward loss of words, so you lovingly scruffed up his hair instead.

It was so gratifying to know what he'd been feeling and knowing that your presence alone could help brighten his spirits. Sure, he always did that for you if you needed it, but you didn't think you did the same. The two of you - well, three of you, including snorey face puppy - hung out doing absolutely nothing but talking at this point for 4 hours. Time flew by and didn't look back.

Once it neared 10:30, you decided to head back home since you were a yawning mess unlike Mark. You both walked outside into the warm LA air to your car, he stood in the driveway. He thanked you for coming like always and you gave him shit about how he kept you so late like always.

Finally having that feeling of completion as you arrived home and got a text making sure you did, you changed clothes right away and fell out effortlessly.


From: Merkiderp

Thank you so much again for coming out last night. I really needed someone like you to talk to. After thinking about it, you're one of the only people that I can always go to for anything. And I mean, anything, lol. You're amazing, Y/N. Thanks for being here for me. Looking forward to the next time we meet, maybe we could go somewhere when we both got time? Up to you. Have a good day at work! ☺️

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