A L T E R N A T I O N S & F I N A L A/N

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Part I. (and unedited like usual)

"Don't you have class right now?" He whispered into my ear, his hot breath hitting it and causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

"Yes." I said with my eyes closed, my face plunged into the pillow.

"Aren't you going to go?" He was slowly pulling the sheets off of our naked bodies.


"Why not?"

"It's too early." I mumble, moving and rolling onto my side, cuddling into his.

"Baby, you've missed a lot already. You need to go." The sheets were now at our waists.

"No," I throw my left leg over his lower body, inching my way closer to his side even though I was pretty close. "And stop with the sheets, it's cold and I'm naked."

"Baby." Oh no.

"Stop. I know what you're doing." It lead to something we were always in the mood for, but it resulted in tiredness and fatigue.

"Baby," He stretched out the pet name in my ear, licking and sucking on my earlobe after moving me to sit on top of him. I bit my lip to refrain from letting out a moan, but he knew it didn't take much to get a reaction from me. "So soft." He murmured, licking a stripe down my neck and trailing his fingers up my thighs, exceptionally slow might I add.

"Calum," I released the held in moan as he pulled my lip out with his thumb, moving his other hand up my naval and towards my breasts, cupping one of them feverishly. "Please."

"Go to your class, your only class, and then we'll continue." He smirked as I looked at him with a frustrated expression. It seems as if he completely I was sat right above his length so I had the bigger advantage, despite my weakness.

"Are you sure you don't want to continue this now?" I ground my hips forward, making sure my wet core came in contact with his hard, long cock.

He bit his lip and gripped my hips tightly, obviously trying his all to refrain from giving in. "Stop," He tried to sound stern but it came out as a moan. I continued with my actions. "Estelle, please." His groans gave me much more confidence and reassurance. I know I wasn't the only one who wants this.

"You sure?" I placed my hands on his toned chest, feeling the tense and perfectly accented muscles beneath them while proceeding to move against him.

"Shit." He said through gritted teeth as I grabbed ahold of his cock, swiping the precum with my thumb. His hips involuntarily bucked themselves up, his length moving further into my grasp. His mouth was open agape and his eyes were screwed shut, his hands gripping the bed sheets for dear life. It was a lovely sight.

"No, babe, I'm serious. Stop." His trembling hands gripped my forearms and pulled me up, bringing my mouth to hungrily kiss his. It was an act of passion, kindness, and love. It was evident with the way he latched his arms around my waist as his tongue slowly assaulted mine. He was putting everything into this kiss and knowing that he was just sent an excetionally odd feeling through my veins, a feeling that I didn't quite know about.

"I love you," He whispered as he flipped us over, his toned and tan body hovering over mine. "So." He pressed his lips to my own. "Fucking." My cheek. "Much." My forehead.

"Now go to class." I swatted at his chest as he smiled cheekily at me, knowing that I wouldn't protest this time and actually oblige.


Part II.

It was wrong of me to think about him. It was wrong of me to want to go back into what was my past than continue on with my future. It was wrong of me to love someone that turned my whole life around, whom also turned other people's lives' into a living hell. It was wrong, yet I still haven't fought or made a move to stop these dreams... these feelings.

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