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Hola tame for the next chapter

Lust and gluttony lead me to a small hotel where we were to meet someone called Envy.

When we entered, there was a man in a brown business suit waiting.


Lust said.

The man grinned and transformed into a boy with greenish hair and rather girlie clothes took his place.

"Lust! Gluttony! Who did you bring? Decide to pack a snack along?" He grinned.

"No, this boy is one of us. I don't know what he can do though."

Lust replied.

"Well, it's alright that he doesn't have a talent. We just need a fighter. A disposable, so to speak." He looked at me. "Can you fight kid?"

I nodded.

"I good at art and I can fight very well." I say, not telling them about the lights. I had a bad feeling, that if I told them, it wouldn't be good.

Envy nodded. "How come we haven't heard about you?"

"I don't know. I just woke up in a clearing and sorta stumbled around for a bit.

"Mm... I guess we'll have to get you to father then."

"I guess..."

He chucked and I reached up and touched my tattoo.

Then I remembered.


I was standing in front of a gate, a huge gate, then the gate opened, revealing hundreds of small black hands.

They reached out with greedy hands and took my body and my soul floated free.

I was given another body, one that was completely black, and I heard the voice of truth.

"Look closely, for I will not show you again."

A blinding light came through the gate and I saw everything. Most people only saw bits and pieces, but I saw it all.

After it was all over, I heard Truth speak again.

"Wait, your time will come.''

Then I went behind the gate and waited.

I saw so many come and go, two stood out though.

One was a dirty blond with hazel/gold eyes. He had his body taken, and he saw a lot of the truth, but not all of it as I had seen, and then his souls was bound back to earth.

Another boy came, he had golden hair and golden eyes. For some reason I felt something with him. Something odd.

He was shown part if the truth in exchange for his arm, and then he disappeared. Then, I waited.

I opened my eyes, gasping.

"What just happened?" Envy asked

"I-I don't know...."

"Well, lets get going! The faster we make it to Central, the better." He said and stood up.

"Well... I guess we will call you Anger. Even though oh aren't acting like it, you could have issues." He said.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE ISSUES?!?!? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!" I roared at him, and proceeded to chase him around with a frying pan I got from nowhere. Yes...fear the frying pan.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

I should have done what they told me. I should have stayed put, but I didn't. I heard screams and went to investigate, I saw my so called friends the homunculi killing in mass numbers.

All the color that was in my face drained out. I stood up and ran as fast as I could.

Out of the town and into the countryside, when I felt like I was far enough away, I slowed to a light jog.

I came upon a small town and stopped at an inn.

There was a small bar an I ordered some water.

As I finished my water my elbow bumped into someone and knocked his glass to the floor.


"Hey punk, got a problem?" He growled.

"No sir! I'm so sorry!" I said frantically.

"I bet you are." He growled and threw a punch at me, I dodged it and he hit the guy behind me. Soon, a whole fight had broken out. I was trying to sneak upstairs, but the guy grabbed my braid and yanked me to him. He kneed me in the chin and punched me so hard that I flew out of the doors.

"Ahh!!!!" I yelled as I went flying.

I landed in a heap and got up on my knees before coughing up some blood.

"Dang it! Can't even get a drink of water without causing trouble! Where did I go wrong?!" I moaned to myself.

I then rolled over and collapsed on the road, too tired to move.

Ed's POV (Yay!)

Some guy just flew out of that inn over there, I should see if he's ok. Probably some drunk, but hey, as long as they don't comment on my hight I'm fine.

"Al, lets go check on him, he could be really hurt." I said to my brother.

He nodded.

The boy rolled over on the street, when I finally saw his face, it was rather feminine, and he looked to be about my age.

"You ok? Took quite a tumble there."

He turned his head and looked into my eyes, his were a shocking violet, curtained by his black hair. His eyelashes were extraordinarily long for a guys.

He grinned feebly and his canines were really long, they were pretty much fangs."You could say that, I've had a bit of a night."

I grinned back.

"Could you help me up? Help me to someplace I can at least rest without worrying about getting run over?"

I nodded.

"All, you carry him?"

"Yes brother!" Al said brightly and picked him up, carrying him. He wriggled out of his grasp like a fish though and stood in front of us.

"You drunk?" I asked him.

"Nope. I want you, to teach me alchemy."

"How do you-'' he cut me off.

"You've seen the truth, you know what alchemy is, you've done research, you can teach me! I can use it, but I need to know more about it! Please! Plus, I'm a good fighter!"

He acted a lot like a girl, was he gay?

"Are you gay?" I spoke my mind.

He froze and then fell down laughing.

"I am not gay." He said once he composed himself again.

"Fine, I guess I'll teach you. What do you already know?" I asked.

He grinned faintly at me, before his eyes lost focus and he fell over.


"Come on Al, lets get him and go."

"Ok brother, he is probably very tired." Al agreed

As we walked to out hotel, I thought of how familiar he seemed. I couldn't pinpoint where though. And how did he know I had seen the truth? Such mysteries.

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