Central Command

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Hola!! Here's the next chapter!!

Anger POV

We had finally reached a town where there was a train station, and I was exhausted.

I had never been able to sleep, never needed to, but something had happened, and now,all that missed sleep had caught up to me.

"Ed, are we almost there? When does the train leave? I wanna get to Central!" I asked, tugging on his arm.

Even though I was tired, I was happy. Yesterday was the last day I had to wear the stupid girly clothes.

"Geez Anger. It's just up ahead. It will take us straight to Central, but it will take a day or two. What's the matter?" He said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Just tired. Remember, I haven't slept for the entire time I've known you. It's starting to catch up to me. You're almost always tired, now you know how we feel." I said back.

Ed rubbed his head, I had hit him there multiple times.

"Yah, guess you're right." He chuckled nervously

He was smart to know about my horrible temper. I was normally very kind, but you guessed it, I had humongous anger issues.

"Come on you guys! Can't you stop fighting, even for a second?! We need to get to the train station! Save it!" Al shouted at us.

I nodded, grabbed Ed by the hood of his cloak and dragged him along, him protesting all the way.

------ On Train-----

When we finally got in our seats, I was so tired I could barely move. I guessed that traveling with the humans and everything, made me more human, in a way. I wanted to use the Philosipher's stone to become human, or at least age. I couldn't stand to watch Ed and Al age, and even die, and me be the exact same as I was on the day that I was created.

I sat down in a seat, Ed sat beside be, and Al took the seat across from us. I leaned my head against the window, and instantly sleep claimed me.

Ed's POV

I looked over at Anger's sleeping form, watching her breathing. As soon as I was sure she was a asleep, I turned to Al.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" I asked softly.

"I'm still not sure Brother. She seems to have no bad intentions, but we know from Liore that they can act incredibly well, and from the fifth laboratory, that the will do just about anything to achieve their goals. I'm just not sure brother. She will need to do something to prove her loyalty, but I don't know how she can do that. We will just have to keep a close watch on her." Al answered.

I nodded and leaned my head back against the seat, following Anger's lead and falling asleep.

Anger POV

I was awoken from my wondrous slumber to someone shaking me gently.

I groggily opened my eyes, and was met with warm gold ones.

"Hey sleepyhead, finally awake are ya?" Ed asked me gently.

I felt a slight blush creep onto my pale face and I nodded, smiling.

Now I knew why Ed slept so much, the feeling was amazing.

"We at Central?" I asked, my usually smooth voice, slightly gravelly from sleep.

"Yup! Welcome to the big city! We need to report to colonel mustang while he is here in Central, and we'll see about you taking an exam!" Ed said happily.

I stood up and stretched, hearing various places crack. Satisfied, I transmuted a small mirror and checked to see if my headband was still in place, and as usual, Ed freaked out.

I had taught him to make something out of the particles that the human eye couldn't see, but they couldn't make much, only small needles, and nothing like a mirror or knife.

I knew how to make something out of nothing, and they knew that an promised to keep it a secret, but whenever I did it, Ed still freaked out.

I adjusted it slightly, making sure it covered all of my tattoo, and fixed my bangs slightly. I needed to make a good impression in Central.

"Come on Anger! Why are you bothering with appearances?" Ed asked.

"Well ya see Pipsqueak, I think I might try and make a good first impression in Central." I said, and to keep him from attacking me, I transmuted the mirror in my hand into a small knife, with a curve in the handle and spun it nonchalantly around my finger.

Ed growled and we exited the train.

"EDWARD ELRIC!" A loud booming voice called from somewhere in the crowd.

Ed paled.

"Anger, if you value your existance, run for your life. Oh lord please tell me that only one of them is here...." He said, sweat beading on his forehead.

"I jut looked at him quizzically.

All of a sudden, a huge bald man burst through the crowd. The only hair on his head was one white-blond curl, and he also had a matching mustache. Strangely, there were pinkish-orange sparkles floating around his head.

Ed looked terrified.

In the next second I knew why.

"EDWARD ELRIC! ALPHONE ELRIC! HOW WONDERFUL IT IS TO SEE YOU BOYS!! BACK FROM YOUR TRAVELS ALREADY? LET ME CONGRATULATE YOU IN YOUR EFFORTS!" He shouted, then, to my utmost surprise, took his shirt off and struck about five different poses, the sparkles flying all around him, before catching the brothers in a massive hug.

"Anger! Help!" Ed wheezed.

I sighed.

"Excuse me sir, I would greatly appreciate it of you would stop crushing my friends. I need them alive see?" I said, transmuting a platform so that I could reach his massive shoulder.

He set Ed and Al down.

"Edward, who is this? A new companion??" He asked in softer tones than before.

"Yah, this is Anger. Our newest member of the team, at least for time being. Anger wants to take the State Alchemist exam and work with us on finding the Philosipher's Stone."

He nodded and turned to me.

I was instantly afraid that he would squish me too.


I shivered slightly, but put out my hand.

"As Ed and Al have already told you, I'm Anger, nothing else. I wanna be an alchemist, like the Elric Brothers." I said, before flashing him a grin, showing off my elongated canines.

He shook my hand and turned to the brothers again.

"Lets go! Can't keep the colonel waiting!" The major said enthusiastically.

I scooted over closer to Ed and whispered I'm his ear.
"Is this guy for real?"

He nodded and we began to follow the major into a large building.

We made our way through the command center until we reached a door.

"The colonel is in there. " Major Armstrong said, opening the door for us.

Ed and Al stepped in first, while I hid behind Al.

The man inside was sitting at a large desk with papers stacked on it.

He had black hair and eyes, and wore the standard military uniform.
(A/N if you wanna know what he looks like with more detail, look up colonel Roy Mustang on google images.)

"Ah! Fullmetal! Nice to see you back! Any luck getting your bodies back, or finding anything about the homunculi's plans?" He asked in a deep voice.

Ed growled.

"No luck with getting our bodies back, but we may have some info on the homunculi." Ed replied.

Earlier they had promised to keep what I was a secret... So what were they doing?

"Also, we have a new military recruit. Our friend needs to take the exam though, so I wanted to see if you could set her up with one." Al said.

"Hm? You do?" The colonel said, interlacing his fingers." Where is this person then?"

"Huh?!" Al gasped looking around.
"I swear she was just here!" He said panicked.

I came out from behind him, laughing slightly.
"I'm right here Al." I said to the frantic suit of armor.

"Allow me to introduce myself." I said, walking up the colonels' desk and holding out my gloves hand. "My name is Anger. Nothing else, just Anger. I'm an alchemist, and I wanna try for the State Alchemist title so I can stick with the Elrics and look for a Philosipher's Stone. Also, I've got info on the homunculi."

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