Chapter four

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Hey! Time for next update! Here we go!!

Name... What should I tell him for my name! I panicked.

I could use the one they gave me, but that could be suspicious...

If they found out about me, then I would tell them my real name... But until then, I would have them call me....
Mist! That's perfect!

"You may call me Mist for the time being." I told them.

Ed snickered

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"It sounds like a girls name!" He laughed.

Oh, they didn't know I was a girl, well I'm not gonna tell them I'm not a guy, but I won't tell them I am either, so I shrugged my shoulders.

"And your point is? I have an odd name, you have an odd hight. What's the difference really?" I said nonchalantly, knowing this would set him off.

It did.

And it was halarious.


"Well, you're small enough, so I don't think anyone would notice if I cut you a few inches shorter..." I said, pulling out my dagger.


I laughed again.

"Hmm... Guess you're right, can I at least fight you? I feel like fighting something... I need to see if I've got all my strength back, I've never passed out before, so I don't know how long it takes for my strength to return, by the way, how long was I out?"

Ed sweat dropped

"You were out for about 7 hours, and yes you can fight me, also, since you know so much about us, we need to know something about you, we don't need to know now, but we will need to know."

"Oh! I know something that may interest you, it should be impossible for me to do alchemy!" I said rather cheerfully.

Ed and Al looked at me cautiously and then shrugged.

"Come on, lets go outside to somewhere where brother can train you!" Al said cheerfully.

I nodded and we went outside.

Once we had walked a bit away from town, Ed stopped and turned to look at me.

"Are you ready? Once you learn this, you will be a scientist and stray from the path of most any god that you follow. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I don't have any god, and I am ready to commit myself to this. I will even become a state alchemist if I have to, if it would all be in the name of achieving my goal!" I said confidently.

Ed smiled a bit.

"That is how we were when we were younger, we were obsessed with finding our goal, an we still are, once we find ours, we could help you if it isn't already achieved." He said and grinned.

I grinned back at him.

"Now, the way I do alchemy is most likely different from the way you do yours, so you will need a transmutation circle. You said you could already do some alchemy right?"

I nodded.

"Show me." He demanded, tossing me a piece of chalk.

I looked at it and then put in my pocket.

"There are a few ways I can do alchemy...." I said, not fully on control of myself again, like in a trance.

"What? How is that possible?" He asked, rather surprised.

I clapped my hands together and slammed them on the ground, creating a small statue.

Ed looked at me, shocked.

"And that's not all..." I said again.

I put one hand on a nearby tree and from the wood I pulled a spear.
I didn't even clap my hands together or anything.

"W-w-w-woah... How is that even possible?" He stuttered.

I snapped out of my trance and then shrugged.

"Well, all you really need to do is read up on alchemy, I can teach you more on the way, but we've gotta get to Central, there, I bet you can take the State Alchemist exam if you want, you can even be on out team!" He said excitedly.

"Oh, Mist, what is your goal?" Al asked politely.

"I need to find the Philosophers stone, so I can- I shouldn't tell you, but I can assure you it's not to kill. You wouldn't understand." I said, going from happy to rather depressed.

"So do we! Awesome!" Ed exclaimed.

I grinned.

"Well, shouldn't we be getting to Central? I wanna become a State Alchemist!" I said brightly.

We began walking out of town,toward another called Hiroka where there was a train station.

About halfway there, night fell and Ed was getting very tired.

Al made decision for us to all stop and rest.

They sat at the base of a large tree and Ed fell asleep almost immediately after I volunteered to take first watch.

I looked at the two of them, it was so cute!

I climbed up into the tree and got out the weaving supplies that the woman gave me, and began to weave a picture of the Elric Brothers.

I began to sing softly. I didn't want them to hear me.

"Areasu, kanateru wa watashi kurumotori ahwanaru.... San tu ka narenusa, araki no.... Kura...." I sang, then I stopped. I heard something from below.

"Wow Mist, I didn't know you could sing!" I heard Al say from below.

I fell out of the tree in surprise.

"Oh, Al! I didn't know you were awake!" I laughed nervously, my voice automatically rose an octave or two.

"Of you don't mind me asking, are you actually a girl in disguise or something?" He asked me innocently.

"I just let people believe what they want, but I am actually a girl. I really don't care if people think in a guy. As long as people think I'm a boy, I could have a better chance at life. Getting a job as a girl is really tough if you wanna be an alchemist, especially a State Alchemist, so I just let them think I'm a guy, but I never flat out tell them I am." I said plainly

"Do you want me to tell Ed?" He asked me.

"Nah, let him figure it out for himself, his reaction will be priceless!" I laughed.

Al chuckled softly. "Well, sorry for bugging you Mist, you have a pretty voice."

I blushed and a scratched the back of my neck nervously.

He laughed again and leaned his head back against the tree and sighed.

I smiled softly at the two of them and jumped up onto a branch and hummed softly to myself, continuing my tapestry.

It was a good day. I think I will like traveling traveling with them.

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