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Anger POV

It had been a few weeks since I had earned my certification as a State Alchemist, and we were headed to Rush Valley to see Winry, then we were going to head to Central to report in and see Mr. Huges who I had met on my last visit to Central, and was excited to see again. He was a little too excitable at times and was crazy about his wife and daughter, but he was a great person.

We were about an hour from Rush Valley, when I heard some commotion in one of the seats near us.

"You ungrateful brat! Of course you can't have food, I just fed you last week!" A man whispered and a small slap was heard.

Both Ed and I looked up at the same moment, Al looked over at the two of us, knowing what we were thinking.

Ed got up first, stretching.

"Hey, Anger, I'm gonna get us some food, want anything?"

"Blueberry muffin, some milk, and an apple." I said, repeating what I had heard the little girl wanted before the man slapped her.

He nodded and left for the dinner car, meanwhile I silently crept toward the seat with the man and the little girl.

"Excuse me, there is a strict policy in Amestris about child abuse and neglect, I'm afraid you will have to come with me, sir." I said to the man. I had plenty of evidence, he had been doing this to the child the whole train ride.

"What would make you think I would hurt my darling Erin here?" he said. roughly grabbing the girl's shoulder, and she involuntarily flinched away. He gave her a glare that promised later punishment. "Besides, even if I did, what would give you the authority? You're just a little kid!"

"For your information, I am a certified State Alchemist, and I have witnessed both abuse and neglect of this child here, and I personally convict you of Child Abuse and Child Neglect. Do you want me to convict you of Resisting Authority as well?"

He growled, getting up and raising to his full hight of about six foot five, and towering over me.

He swung a punch and I easily dodged. I brought my gloved hand down and used my special power and let the dark energy flow into strings, the stings wrapping themselves into a human form, and finally solidifying into one of my signature puppets, only controlled by one of my hands.

"Do you still want to challenge me?" I asked.

In reply, he attacked again. My puppet blocked and then separated into string again, and forming a cocoon around his body, just allowing him room to breathe.

The little girl watched in awe as I fought him, and then clapped softly when I finished.

I looked over at her and she shrunk back. She was only around three or four, at the oldest.

"Hey there, you must be Erin, I'm Anger, nice to meet you!" I said, holding out my hand to the frightened child.

She gingerly held out a hand while one hand stayed limply on her lap. I took the offered hand and shook it gently.

"Hey, you're gonna have to come sit with me ok? Me and my friends are gonna fix you up, we won't hurt you, promise." I said as gently as I could.

She nodded slowly, still not quite trusting me. I smiled and helped her out of the seat. I then picked her small body up gently and carried her to our booth. I sat her down gently as well, and then her eyes fell on Al and she flinched away.

"Hello, I'm Alphonse, I'm not going to hurt you." Al said softly. Her eyes widened and she smiled a bit.

"I'm Erin!"

He laughed and then Ed came back in and sat down. He put the tray of food on his lap and Erin looked at it longingly. Ed smiled.

"It's for you, just wait and Anger will have you fixed up and ready to eat!" He said smiling brightly.

"Those are the Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse." I said to her.

She nodded and pointed at Ed.
"Big brother, you have a lower voice." and then pointed to Al, "Little brother, your voice is higher. Did I get it?"

Ed looked shocked and nodded enthusiastically.

"You're the first person to actually guess correctly! You're pretty observant for a little kid!" Ed laughed.

Erin smiled shyly and looked down.

"Erin, it might hurt a bit, but give me your hurt arm, I can heal it almost completely, and then we can see about getting you some new clothes, yours are pretty worn out." I said, drawing her attention.

She hesitantly lifted her arm a bit, and I gently slid my hand under it, and placed my other hand over top of it. I let the energy travel and get a picture of the wound, and then repaired it as best I could. After the bone mended, I made some string and it wrapped itself around her arm to make sure it healed all the way.

"What color do you want?" I asked once I had the cast in place.

"Purple! Like your eyes, they're so pretty!"

I smiled and a thin violet sheen coated the black string. She smiled and then Ed handed her the food, and she became preoccupied.

I leaned against the window and looked out at the scenery flashing by. It was slowly changing from green brush to yellowish brown rocks and sand. All colors muted by the darkness of night. Rush Valley was the city of Automail, and I had heard what had happened to Ed lat time he was there. He had to help deliver a baby, and there was supposedly a pickpocket, and everyone loved his automail.

I sighed, thinking about nothing in particular. I knew just about everything there was to know about alchemy, thanks to Truth showing me everything and more, but how did I become a homunculus? What had I exchanged for all that Truth? Who was I before I was me? Was I anyone at all, or was I created? Who created me in the first place anyway? Father certainty didn't, the homunculi had told me almost everything there was to know about themselves before I left them. I needed time to think, and I had to be alone. I trusted Ed and Al, but I needed to be alone for what I wanted to do. Plus, I needed some fresh air.

"Ed, Al, I'm going to get some air Ok? Leave the window open." I said, opening the window and climbing out, well aware of Erin's eyes following my every move. I let myself fall and I landed neatly on my feet on the ground below, and broke into a run, easily keeping up with the train.

I looked back at the window and saw Erin's face, white as a sheet as she looked for me. Poor kind probably thought I just made a suicide jump. I smiled and waved. before jumping up onto the roof of the train.

Contacting Truth wasn't exactly something I would want normal people to witness.

End of chapter!

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