The question game

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Hi! Next chapter!
Here we go! I do not own fullmetal alchemist my the way!!

Anger POV (Mist)

Three weeks, three weeks of traveling! with the Elric Brothers, and I knew everything there was to know about alchemy inside out and backwards and forwards.

They had taught me tons of things, but I taught Ed some things as well.

I ha taught him to make something seemingly out of nothing.

How is that possible you ask?

Well it was quite simple really.

All that was required was basic alchemy skill and Ed's ability to transmute without a transmutation circle.

The air wasn't empty, it was full of microscopic particles of dust and other junk, so all you had to do was transmute those. Ed was amazed.

Al had kept quiet about what I had told him, and he had seeming my forgotten, I would have thought so, except for the fact thy he always commented in my singing or humming at night.

Tonight was no different.
After Ed had fallen asleep, I worked on my weaving or my tapestries, humming softly to myself.
"Mist! You have such a pretty voice! When do you think Ed will realize?" He asked

"Realize what?" Ed muttered sleepily.

Thinking fast, I came up with the first thing that would set Ed off. His height.

"That you will never grow and forever be a midget."


"Coulda fooled me." I said, sounding bored.

He growled and projected a dark aura around him.

I smiled and laughed.
"Cool it Elric, it's not the end of the world. The end of the world won't happen for a while." I said nonchalantly, but then added softly,"believe me, I know." When I thought no one could hear me. It was true. The world had a while to go.

Ed's POV

"Cool it Elric, it's not the end of the world. The end of the world won't happen for a while." He said easily, but then added under his breath," believe me, I would know."

I didn't say anything by I was wondering about him. He hides many secrets I could tell. Sometimes he would look around nervously whenever he did alchemy, as if to make sure that no one was there. Other times, he would stop and listen hard, and the slightest noises would make him tense up and his had would move toward his dagger. Maybe he was a fugitive. That would be bad, that would mean we were breaking the law, and I taught him alchemy which could make him even more dangerous. He also had something about him, something that reminded me of someone, but I wasn't sure who. Someone who wasn't good. I knew that.

But there was also something friendly about him, so, I didn't get a bad feeling around him, he just looked familiar....

Maybe I could get him to tell us something else about his past. All we knew was that he had somehow been through the gate, and hasn't lost anything, though his memory might count for something, and that he wasn't supposed to be able to use alchemy.

It was late, a little past midnight I supposed, but I wasn't tired.

Mist knew almost everything about us, but we knew next to nothing about him.

"Mist, you know a lot about us, so why dot you tell us a bit more about yourself!"

His face turned even paler if that was possible.

"I don't want to talk about myself much, but you can ask me questions. See, if I tell you too much, I don't think you will like me much anymore, and you guys are really all I have." He said, looking downward, ashamed to meet my eyes I guessed.

"Ok then, me first, who are you running from? You're always looking around nervously and you mentioned something about getting away from some people. Tell me, who are you running from?" I asked.

He sighed
"I'm running from a group of people who are after the Philosipher's Stone, they are going to use it for something I don't know, and they will hurt people after they use it for their main cause. They wanted me to join them, after I found out what they were doing, and that I was bad, I ran and ran, and you know the rest."

"Why do you need the Philosipher's stone?" Al asked.

"I need it- I need it to.... Not be like I am anymore, but by no means will I use it for evil. I hate the thought of killing people." He said, his face getting even paler.

"Why do you need it? What is the purpose you are going to use it for?" I asked. Now we were getting somewhere.

"No.... No, I can't tell you. You wouldn't understand." He said, he was shaking the slightest bit.

"Mist, you can tell us." Al coaxed.

"Quiet. Get in the trees and make no noise." He said after getting quiet. I faintly heard people talking. I was about to protest, but I say the deadly serious look on his face an decided against it.

He jumped onto a slim branch with such agility I briefly wondered if he was even human.

As the voices came closer, I recognized them. It was the homunculi. I heard Lust and Gluttony, then I faintly heard Wrath.

I faintly heard snippets I conversation.

"A deserter?"

"Kill him on sight."

"His name was ....."

"Odd eyes."

"I think..... Tattoo on his forehead"

"Don't know where he is now."

There was a new homunculus? Great. More enemies for us. Now we had Mist though. He was a good fighter.

They were right below us now, and I realized what was so familiar about Mist, he had the same paleness, the same aura almost as the homunculi. He wore all black, and he said he wasn't supposed to be able to do alchemy.

He had a headband tied around his forehead, and he was never specific about who he was running from and he avoided my questions about him, never answering directly.

I was almost sure of it. He was the other homunculus.

He looked at me sadly, as if he already knew I had reached my conclusion.

Al seemed to be think the same thing that I was.

I heard a small crack and saw that my branch was breaking, so was Mists. Al's was fine though, he had picked a very. strong one.

Soon the branch broke and I fell to the ground, Mist falling jut seconds after.

Now, I don't like this chapter much, so if you want a different version, I will write another ok? Ok.



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