Examinations And Secret Skills

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Hi! Well, I'm gonna change the way some of the events in the anime are in this story, because I'm researching the anime and I've decided when I want my story to take place, so I'm switching the times around a bit.

Everyone already knows who the homunculi are, well not everyone, you know what I mean. Mustang knows who they are and they know how to identify them and whatnot, not too different from what they know in my point of the story. Lt. Colonel Huges is still alive, and Winry is in Rush Valley. This trip to Central isn't in the anime.

Ok, done with all that, now onto the story!

Anger POV

I stepped into a large room, guards posted around the entrances, and at the front, judges positioned to oversee how I would to on this part of the examinations. I felt small under the prying eyes of the judges, but I looked up and saw Mustang was one of the judges, and Ed and Al were also watching. That gave me confidence.

I heard a door open, and in stepped the furor. I panicked on the inside slightly. This guy was with the other homunculi, I was almost sure of it.

"Furor Bradley sir!" all of the other soldiers snapped to attention.

"I heard a friend of our very own Edward Elric was taking the exams, I thought any friend of his must put on quite a show, so I came to watch." he said calmly and took a seat.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself. A soldier came up to me.

"Do you need anything to draw transmutation circles with?" he asked.

"No thanks." I said calmly.

He nodded and stepped back into his position.

I had decided to make my skills like Ed's, it would already arouse suspicion, but if I used my other techniques..... well I would probably be taken into custody or something.

Well, time to try out my new skill. hopefully it would earn me my certification.

I breathed out slowly and clapped my hands together, and pulled some strings our from my bag. I let the energy flow into the string. the strings became a channel for alchemical energy, and I controlled their every move.

The quickly drive themselves into the ground, and when I dragged them up, a human-like figure was attached to them.

I smiled, it had worked.

"HEY! SOMEONE! ANYONE! COME DOWN AND FIGHT ME!" I yelled up at the people judging me, making eye contact with Furor Bradley and Colonel Mustang.

The Furors eye narrowed, but he stood up.

"Hmm. How about I make a deal with you. if you can last more than thirty seconds against me, then I will immediately make you a state alchemist here and now. If you can't, then you will have to take all of the other examinations and tests as well." He said.

"Furor Bradley Sir! you shouldn't be-" a soldier spoke up, but the Furor cut him off.

"It's quite alright, I'm not that old yet." he said with a laugh and a smile.

He stepped off his platform and walked up to witching ten feet of me.

I smiled nicely at him. I knew not to overestimate myself, especially with my new skill, but still, I was excited to fight him.

"Furor Bradley Sir, I am actually excited to fight you. Not because I think that I will win. I don't have a huge sense of pride like the Fullmetal Pipsqueak, I just want to fight you to see if I can last, and I want to fight someone other than Ed and Al." I said.

"That is interesting. So you don't think you can beat an old man like me?" he asked, light humor in his voice.

"If you were a regular old man I could beat you in a second, but you aren't Furor for no reason." I replied.

I shifted into a casual fighting stance, and the match began.

He charged at me with inhuman speed, but I brought my puppet in front of me to block, and soon my puppet and The Furor were locked in combat.

Bradley soon overpowered my puppet though, but it was only a distraction anyway.

He came at me and I just had time to block, by crossing my arms in front of me, and transmuting carbon to cover the skin where his swords were about to hit.

They hit the carbon at full force and I slid back a couple feet, lowering my arms and grinning insanely.

Within seconds again he charged me again, his swords moving so fast the human eye couldn't see them. I could though. I dodged each one and was almost ready to use some more alchemy when the solder varied out: "Thirty Seconds is up!"

Both me and Bradley froze, then stepped back.

I pretended to be out of breath, but I was ready and fine to go. If this was all the Furor could offer, he was weak.

"So," I said between pants, "do I pass?"

He smiled at me with a fatherly smile.

"Congratulations. You are now officially a state alchemist." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a silver pocket watch and held it out to me. "You will now have the official title of Dark Puppet Alchemist. I guess since you have travelled with the Elric boys for a long whole, I see no reason to change that. Mustang, you will now be her commanding officer as well." he said.

I took the pocket watch and looked at it. It really was something of beauty. intricately carved silver with the symbol of the military state alchemists on it.

I grinned broadly and stood at attention and saluted Bradley.

"Thank you so much Sir!" I said

He made a motion for me to leave, and I darted up to Ed and Al.

"Congrats. You're now a dog of the military." Mustang said from behind us.

I grinned. "Come on Ed! Come on Al! Lets go get food!!!!!" I shouted and dragged them out of the room.

Finally.... I can finally start doing something good.

And there is the next chapter!!!!! sorry if it was short. I just really wanted to update.

If any of you have ideas, please either post them as comments or on my profile. I really need some ideas. I w got quite a few good ones, but the coke into play later. Also, tell me if you want a character added to the story, boy or girl. Just say what you want them to do, who they like (I could really use someone to date Winry of this is gonna be an Edxoc fanfic so if you have someone please post.) what their skills are, what they are, looks, personality, anything you can tell me about them. Please send em in!!!

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