The Truth Flows (Elliot/Dexter)

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Sort of AUish people die at different times and are born at different times.

"Dexter! Hurry up. We're going to the neighbor hood cook out, remember?" Rita hollered to her fiancée.


The five of them walked over to the neighbor, Elliot's, house to join the party. Dexter stuck close to Rita, not being entirely sure of what to do. He'd never been good in social scenarios anyhow, and Rita seemed to enjoy doing most of the talking. He only had to add input here and there.

"Well if it isn't my old friend, Dexter Morgan!" A male voice that made Dexter's heart beat faster called out. "How longs it been? A decade at least."

"Dexter. You never told me about any friends before." Rita silently scolded him.

Dexter sighed, and put his head in his hands. "I wouldn't say we were friends."

"How about I tell you the whole story in detail. Let's head upstairs to the bedroom." Elliot ushered the couple into the house and up the stairs to he second floor. "You haven't noticed how he only grunts with you? I thought a smart girl like you would've noticed how gay your boyfriend is."

Rita gasped as Elliot continued, "It all started when we were kids."


"Dex, I thought you would know better than to kill animals." A dark haired boy said, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"Elli, it's not like I have a choice. It's just this need that I have. I can't control it." The other, lighter haired boy replied.

"Have you tried getting a girlfriend, and ah . . . doing the birds and the bees." Elli asked. He sighed when he saw the bemused face of his friend. "Sex, Dex. Sex."

It was the lighter haired, smaller boys turn to scrunch his face up in disgust. He looked at his friend, and then back at he cat he was holding. He hadn't actually killed the cat. It had died giving birth to her kittens, and he had been trying to give her a proper funeral.

"I don't like girls, Elli."


Dexter shook his head as he finished burying the cat. He spoke. "She didn't deserve to die. Her newborns will never get to meet her now."

"Don't worry, Dex. I'm sure she had a good life." Elli pulled his friend into a side hug. He'd always been so innocent, yet dark at the same time.

Elli grabbed Dex's chin, and pulled his head to face him. He quickly pressed their lips together, effectively startling his friend. It was only for a little though, because Dex started to kiss back after a little. When he pulled away, Dexter whined. Elli smirked at the noise that he had caused his friend to make. He placed a chaste kiss on his friends cheek, before waving and riding home on his bike.


"I love you." Elliot whispered into the ear of his friend and soon to be lover.

Elliot nibbled on the earlobe, pulling a whine from his victim. Elliot made his way down Dexter's neck, bitting and kissing. He made sure to make hickeys anywhere he could, and then he started to grind their hips together. Dexter let out a moan, and thrust his hips up. Elliot put his hands to Dexter's hips and held him down.

"Elli, just do it already." Dexter whined.

"Okay. But you asked for!" Elliot replied with a grin.


"Dad, can I talk to you about something?" A seventeen year old Dexter asked his adoptive father.

"You can ask me whatever you like, son." Harry replied.

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