ColdFlash (Flash/Glee)

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His day had started out normally, to his pleasure. He had just stopped a Meta from destroying Central City, and he had the day off from work. He had gotten to sleep in that day, and before the Meta had attacked he had been sitting on the couch while watching Phantom of the Opera. 

When he got back home, he picked the mail up, and began to sort it into four piles. One for Joe, him, what mail of Iris' that still was delivered to them, and neighbors mail. Surprisingly enough, he came across a letter with a name that he hadn't seen in a while. Closing in on a decade.

Dear Sebastian Smythe;

We, Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel, invite you to a meeting at Jitter's coffee shop, for a quick reunion (we know you live there, Meerkat). We would like to meet on the seventh of this month, at ten in the mourning. Please, be punctual. The guests are as listed: Santana, Brittany, Arty, Mike, Tina, Rachael, Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Sam, any significant other, Quinn, and Puck. Sebastian, Thad, Nick, Hunter, and Jeff are invited as well. Half of us will be in central city for a month or more.

Thank you!
Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel

"Ugh, why me?!" Barry complained. "And I need a guest."

Barry thought hard about the whole guest ideal. All of his friends and family were out, because he didn't want them to know who he was in high school. The only choice he seemed to have left was . . . no, that would be going against the hero code of conduct, but Snart seemed to be his only option at the moment. At least Snart wouldn't judge him because of who he used to be.

So, with that Barry changed into comfier clothes, and he sped out to find Snart. Lucky for him, Snart was at his hideout.

"Yes, Scarlet?" Leonard asked, raising an eyebrow at his sudden, but casual appearance. 

"Some friends from high school are going to be in central city for a bit over a month. In high school I went by an alias, and my personality was almost completely flipped for most of it. The point is, I'm supposed to bring someone. I'm asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend for the next, well, while." Barry explained to the other, hoping he would agree. 

"Fine. But I can use any embarrassing stories as blackmail." Captain Cold replied with a smirk.

"Thank you, Captain Cold." Barry shouted as he exited, accidentally leaving his phone dropped on the ground. 

"That speedster is going to be the death of me." Snart sighed, picking the phone up off the floor.

Barry slouched back down on the couch when he had successfully ran back home. Back to watching Phantom of the Opera. He remembered his glory days on the stage. 


Barry jumped at sound. He quickly went to open the door, to find his phone. There was also a note.

Scarlet, don't forget things. My personal number is xxx-xxxx. - Leo

Barry smiled at the thought, happy to get an actual phone number from the thief. Barry quickly put the number in his phone, and texted the criminal the information that he would need for the meeting next week. He may have mentioned Snart picking him up, so they could arrive together.

-- One Week Later --

"Come on, Scarlet." Leonard warned through gritted teeth. How was it possible that the fastest man alive, could also be the latest man alive?

"Give me a minute, Leo." Barry replied  (more like whined). "And you need to call me Sebastian, Seb, Bas, or Sebby."

Snart rolled his eyes at the other. He had agreed to this, thinking he may be able to spend more time with the speedster and also get blackmail. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. He hadn't really accomplished either of those goals, nor did it seem as though he would. 

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