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A week has passed.

Kai has not told her older brother of her imprint, choosing to keep it a secret from the other half of the pack. Kai and Paul have managed not to think about Kai's secret in wolf form. Although, Jared has been suspicious of the two.
Because of the amount of time Kai spends in avoiding Billy Black. Since Billy chose to let her tell them herself, she assumed he wouldn't tell them until she did. Making it harder for her to talk to her pack without frowning and sassing, as a mask to keep her secret hidden for the time being.
Not that it was a special thing if she sassed or had a resting-bitch-face on. She is, after all, a friend of Leah Clearwater.

At school, Kai tries to avoid her imprint too. Not that she has the same classes as he does, she is still younger than her pack brothers (and imprint). Like right now, she is standing in line because Paul and Jared were called up by Sam, but she had to stay since her grades were dropping (Or so her mother said.) and onyx-eyes keeps looking over at her from his table.

She could hear what was being said.

"I think you should just forget about it Jake." One of his friends said, the on with shorter hair. Old Quills grandson. "Yeah! Maybe she wasn't even there!" The other one with long hair said.
Onyx eyes just glared at his friends. "You think I imagined her there?! My dad saw her too, forgot he was in the car with me? Besides, if I imagined it, why would it be her? Why not someone else." He spat back. Rolling his eyes, he glanced at her again. "Doesn't matter anyway, she acts as if it never happened. But I can see her look at me from time to time. I just wanna know how she did it.." He trailed of, staring into his plate of untouched fries.

Jumping back into reality when four grilled cheeses are put onto her plate, she slams the money down on the counter and storms of towards her pack brothers.

She has been a lot more cranky and pissed off lately. 'Maybe it has something to do with me denying the imprint.' But she quickly dismissed that thought. Not focussing on where she was walking, a foot stuck out before her. Making her trip and her plate of food fly off into the air.
Quickly regaining her balance, she growled into the direction of a pained face.

"What the HELL MACKENZIE?!" She growled into the tear-streaked face, make-up leaking with the pain filled tears. "It's MELANIE! You robotic freak! What the hell did those steroids give you a metal skin or something?!" The girl cried out in pain.

But Kai was so mad, she started shaking. Not caring about the consequences of what she was about to do, she grabbed the ankle that 'Melanie' was holding and dragged her out of her chair. Her legs spreading, everyone saw her color of the day and her boobs almost spilled out of her (too tight) top.

All the students in the cafeteria got up to see what was happening. Everyone whispering about how Kai was gonna kill the girl, seeing as you should never anger a 'Gang Member'.
Kai dragged her into the middle of the cafeteria and slammed her leg down. Making the half-Quileute cry out in pain once again. Kai went to the nearest unused table, it coincidentally being the one next to Jacobs table.

She dragged it by it's leg to the middle of the cafeteria, just like she dragged Melanie towards it. Once close to the girl in pain, Kai flipped the table upside down. The table landing just beside Melanie, causing her to cry out in shock and. Afraid of what Kai might do, she started sobbing. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled out. Kai only smirked at her, her shaking stopping for a second. But only a second, she grabbed the table by a leg and lifted it up and tugged it forward a few inches.

Then, Kai let go of the table. Letting it drop down on Melanie's injured leg.

Melanie shrieked in utter pain. "Aaaahhh! You bitch!"

Twilight Saga - New Wolf (JacobXoc)Where stories live. Discover now