An Accident

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Kai's pov.

It's January now.

After the holidays, the Pack just picked up where they had left off. Starting patrolling again, ever since the 3 leeches have stopped visiting Forks it's been a lot quieter. Not that the people of La Push and Forks are less worried now. Everyone is still scared of the Seattle attacks that have died down.

Sam gave me my normal schedule back. Ever since me and the guys have helped him with his proposal he has been a lot more, I wouldn't say relaxed but more... Slacked. Like, he is giving us more free time and whenever we DO patrol, he only tells us to be careful.
I, personally, think it's because I helped him make Emily realize that denying Sam wasn't worth the pain and she should just say yes.

As much as it pained me to hear Leah, crying on the phone the next day. I couldn't help but be happy for my brother. Even though I was enraged when I heard about him being 'forced' to his ex's cousin, he seems like he could take on the world whenever Emily would, do something like, giggle at his bad jokes.

Third person pov.

Kai was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the rumble of a car, close by. Quickly she hid her big wolf body behind a tree and some bushes.

Peeking around the tree, she saw a silver truck driving along, radio on high volume. Singing and laughter of 2 male voices. One she could make out to be Billy Black. "Who is he with?" She asked herself.

Again, her attention was stolen by some reckless racer from a few miles away, heading towards the car where her Elder was in. Without thinking, she phased back and pulled her jogging pants and sports bra on. Sprinting towards the two cars, who were headed for each other.

Even though the slightly-rational-human-voice in the back of her mind yelled at her to stop and let it happen, the wolf inside her forced her to run and save her Elder. Something deep in the pit of her stomach made her run even faster, some feeling she has never felt before told her to keep going.

Closing in on the vehicle that had Billy in it, she took one final leap and jumped onto the back of the truck. Startled the two males jumped out of fright and turned to face her. Looking at the driver, she stopped.

She, literally, stopped.

Making her stare into two onyx brown eyes.

What seemed like hours to her were filled up by quick flashes, pictures, images of her and the guy she was supposed to save from an car accident. Images with a dream-like tint to it, containing her and onyx-eyes, smiling and laughing at each other. Looking like love-struck idiots, stuck in their own little bubble of love and peace.

Snapping back into reality, Kai got a snarl on her face and looked straight ahead, only to be met by the meters-away-headlights of the upcoming car.

"Watch out!" She yelled to the guy in the drivers seat, who seemed to snap out of his daze too. Making his hand jerk to the right. Saving him, his father and the creepy-gang girl he had heard so much about.

Stumbling, the truck came to a stop in the middle of the road. The other driver didn't seem fazed by almost dying or was probably to drunk to notice his near-death experience. Because he just kept on driving wildly.

Wide-eyed, onyx eyes looked behind him. Only to see that car driving of into distance, no longer seeing the girl who saved his and his fathers lives.
Soon enough he heard his father chuckling, creeped out he stared at his father. But Billy just shook his head. "That girl is just full of surprises, it's a good thing this happened. Or else she would've gotten out of hand."

The guy still looked weirded out by his dad. "You mean, you're glad we almost got hit by a drunken-driver?!" He yelled at his old man. Billy shook his head again. "Soon enough you will understand Jacob. But I think it's best if we try to get home now, without almost being in a car accident.

"But dad, why are you so calm? We almost got hit by a car and KAIA ULEY jumped on our DRIVING car and warned us. Aren't you freaked out!?" Jacob yelled at his father.

Billy stared at his son and silently prayed that time would go by faster then it has the for the past years. He never wanted this life for his son or any of the others. But now that it is happening, they have no choice. The tribe needs protection and his son, along with the current Beta and the other pack members, will have to do the job.

"Jacob, one day you will understand. And I'm afraid that day will come by faster then I expected."

With that, Jacob shook his head and started the car. Driving the car, slowly this time, to their little red house called 'home'.

I'M BAAAAAAAAAACCKKK!!!!!! Well peeps, the story is slowly progressing towards the books/movies. Like-Comment-tell me what you THINK!- and I'll read ya later pup ;)

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