No Update, but got Tagged

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Sooo, I got tagged by InazumaGirlx 's, and apparently I need to answer some questions and afterwards tag other people. Here they are;

1. Favo Anime (one!)
2. Favo Song?
3. If you had an anime sibling, who would it be?
4. Vampire Knight or Diabolik Lovers?
5. Special A of Kaichou Wa Maid Sama?
6. Haikyuu or Inazuma Eleven?
7. Favorite subject?
8. Favorite Anime Genre?
9. Your number 1 anime love? (One!*grins)
10. Anime about boys or girl?
11. Japan or USA
12. Are you an Otaku?
13. Usui Takumi or Ayato Sakamaki?
Here are my answers;
1. Inazuma Eleven
2. Dangerous Woman ~ Ariana Grande
3. Austin from IE
4. I don't know what they are about but I'll choose the first cuz it's sounds cooler and more interesting.
5. Again, have no idea what they could be about but the first one again.
6. Inazuma Eleven, not only cuz I don't have a clue what the first one is about but Inazuma Eleven is the reason that I got into the fanfic world and found Wattpad.
7. Movies. (Books, but mostly movies)
8. Soccer
9. Gouenji Shuuya, my husband of course.
10. Boys, don't know why but chapters from the male perspective are way more fun. In my book that automatically makes stories about them cooler too.
11. USA, and from there I'll go to Japan xP
12. Yes but not as much as other Otakus...
13. Don't have a clue again so, I'll just go with Inazuma eleven! :)

*Dylan steps out of InazumaGirlx 's book of randomnes and walks over to me.
'You are way more cooler than Rina-chan! She only chose IE a few times. You chose them even though it wasn't one of your options whaha!'

*Facepalms. 'Yeah well what else was I supposed to do?' I ask chuckling.

'Nothing, nothing.. I'll get Gouenji so he can tag people for you' *winks and turns away.

'Tia!' I hear and see Gouenji running my way.

'What Shuuya?' He is heeving from the sprint he just made.

'Dylan-san said you were hurt, so I came as fast as I could' he got out with difficulty.

'Well, Dylan lied cuz I'm fine.'

*Gouenji sweat-drops and shakes his head. 'I should've known.. So that means you can still write.'

'Yes, as long as you tag 15 people and ask them 13 questions for me.'

*he sighs and turns to the audience.

Here are 13 questions;

1. Favorite song?
2. Favorite color?
3. Favorite  book?
4. Favorite  movie?
5. Movies or Books?
6. Favorite actor/actress?
7. Favorite tv-show?
8. Favorite OTP?
9. Favorite fandom?
10. If you could choose one person in the whole world to marry (doesn't matter who or how famous that person is or if he is in a relationship) Who would it be?
11. Favorite video game?
12. Favorite name, (your own doesn't count)
13. The appearance of your dream guy.

*gouenji turns to me, 'that enough?'

Smiling big I opened my mouth. 'Who are the 15 people you'll tag?'

*sighing he turns back to audience.

Here are the 15 lucky bastards;


Here they are! Have fun!

*jumps on Gouenji's back while he frowns.. 'come on Shuuya!'

*sighs and starts walking away


Read ya later!

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