Chapter Thirteen

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Victoria's P.O.V.

I slam my door shut and begin to pace my room trying to calm myself down. I don't know if I'm going to last living here with Charles(<<her dad).Since the first day I arrived here he's been trying to boss me around as if he's my father. He never did shit for me willingly and he was never there when my mom and I needed him most so as far as I'm concerned he ain't shit to me.

Once I've finally calmed down, I grab my Nike duffel bag and pack some clothes and anything I'd  need for the night. After I told Roc about everything going on here at home he told me I could stay with him whenever I wanted and that's exactly what I'm doing,only until I feel I can be around Charles without saying things I know my mother would beat my ass for.

Roc has been really generous to me since I've been here. At first I thought he was just some player trying to get inside my pants, but after awhile I realized there was more to him then that. I'm kind of glad I gave him a chance at being my friend because if it wasn't for him I don't know what would have happened by now with me and my 'dad'.

At Roc's House

I'm standing outside of Roc's house waiting for him to let me in. When he finally answers the door I slip inside and make my way up the stairs and into his room. I remove my shoes from my feet and climb into his bed and being to make myself comfortable. Without noticing, Roc walks in shirtless. How did I not notice before? I never payed attention before but Roc is probably the sexiest person I've ever met. Him and Jacob. Thinking of Jacob reminded me of what happened the other night with Layla.

I honestly didn't mean for things to happen the way they did. I'm not saying that I was wrong for saying those things to Layla, but I didn't mean to start drama my first time meeting any of Roc's friends. I just don't get a good feeling from that girl. From the way she carries herself to the way she acts in public. I don't care if Jacob is her man or not I just don't think it's ladylike to be gyrating the way she was in public. When they're behind closed doors they can do whatever the hell they want, but when they step outside they should have more class than that. As of right now, I don't like Layla and I'm not going to pretend I do. Until she shows that she has more class then what she presented at that party I can't fuck with her. I do think I owe Roc an apology though.

"I'm sorry about the other night, the party." I whisper watching him from across the room.

"Oh, it's cool but you know I'm not gonna act like what you said was cool. You didn't really have a right to prejudge Layla when you didn't even know the girls name. Maybe she shouldn't have been doing what she was doing with Jacob out in the public but that's not your business and neither is it mine. And she wasn't really wrong for cussing you out like she did." He has a look of seriousness on his face.

"I guess you're right about the judging part but I'm going to be honest. I don't like that girl." I say while digging through my duffel bag searching for my pajamas.

"You two need to talk. I'm calling her tomorrow and I'm going to make you two apologize. I don't care if you don't like each other."


When I've finally found my pajamas I grab them and walk into Roc's bathroom and change. When I walk out Roc is laying on the bed playing a video game. I sit next to him and cross my legs and just stare at him.

"What are you looking at?" he asks still playing his video game.

"Thank you. You know for being there for me. If you weren't being the nice person you are to me and offered your bed to me anytime I needed it I don't know what would've happen by now. I just might have killed that man and would be in jail right now. It's the talks you give me that get me through the days and the nights I'm there with him." By now Roc has paused his game and is all ears to what I'm saying.

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