(6) First Day in Hell

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First Day in Hell . . .

"Come on, Mrs. Johnson," I whined, resisting the urge to stomp my foot. "Please partner me with Shay."

"I'm sorry, Chloe," Mrs. Johnson, my dark haired, brown eyed English teacher said. "It's too late to switch partners."

I sighed heavily and turned on my heels, dragging myself back to my seat. I slumped into the desk next to Shay and looked at her with sad eyes. "She said it was too late to switch partners."

She was about to say something but didn't. Instead, she looked over my head and narrowed her eyes.

I turned my head, my wavy hair moving with the motion. I laid my eyes on Gabe and two of his friends standing behind me. I groaned out loud and rested my chin in my hand.

"Can I help you," Shay snapped.

"Not really," he said and sat on top of the desk in front of me. His friends walked away and he looked at me. "Anybody sitting here?"

"Yes," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, well too bad for them," he said and shrugged. "I missed you this weekend," he said and smirked.

"Oh, why don't you just fuck off," I mumbled angrily.

"Um, Gabe," a female voice asked. I looked up to see cold green eyes glaring at me.

Great. I groaned again.

It was his on again, off again girlfriend, Kelsey Michaels. They were currently off, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. They were, like, the worst, I repeat, WORST couple in the world. He cheated on her, she cheated on him; always something of that sort. They were clearly meant for each other, right? WRONG!

Kelsey was your cliché head cheerleader. She had the dyed blonde hair all the way down to the eyelash extensions. Of course, she had hair extensions and the clothes she wore were about two sizes too small. Plus, she wore a TON of makeup. Yeah, she was a total bitch to me and hated anything that had to do with me.

But hey, the feeling's mutual.

"What are you doing talking to her," she asked and clutched his arm.

I smirked. She was always the jealous type. "How about you just walk away," I said shooing her with my hand. "And take your little boy toy with you, will ya?"

"Maybe I will," she scoffed and grabbed Gabe's hand. She pulled him and he nearly fell off the desk.

Gabe let out a growl but followed her across the room.

"Wow, it was that easy to get rid of him," Shay asked in disbelief.

"I know, right? Thanks, Kelsey," I called loudly across the room.

The bell rang and I turned to face the front.

"Okay class," Mrs. Johnson said and stood up from her desk. She clasped her hands, getting the rest of the class's attention and making her way to the front. "I hope you all had a great weekend and you came here prepared to work on your projects."

Everyone seemed to let out a loud complaint at what she said.

"As you all know, you have to find some sort of research topic and have a 5 page research paper turned in to me by next Wednesday."

Shay sighed from next to me and let her head fall onto the desk.

"I don't care what it is your topic is on, just as long as you use the research format we've been working on," she continued. "I'm going to let you get with your partner and discuss what you want your topic to be- Shay, pick your head up- and how you're going to conduct the research." She looked at the clock on the wall. "You have the entire class period so get to work."

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