(9) The Minor Problems

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The Minor Problems . . .

"Hey, mom," I called out going down the stairs.

"Yes," she asked from the kitchen.

I followed the sound of her voice and stopped in the doorway. "I was just letting you know that I was going to take a walk."

"Oh, okay. I was heading to the store in a few minutes so I might not be here when you get home," she said and walked over to the sink. She turned on the faucet and began washing her hands. "Don't talk to strangers and remember to lock the door."

"Yes, mom," I said and rolled my eyes. "See ya later," I called over my shoulder.

I walked out the front door and pulled my phone from my jacket pocket. After going to my music and setting my playlist of over 1,000 songs on shuffle, I stuck my earbuds in my ear and walked down to the sidewalk.

I stopped briefly and thought about which way I was to go. Either way would bring me back here so I shrugged and headed towards my right.

The song "Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele came on and I hung my head at the realization that this was exactly how I felt right about now.

I sighed heavily and turned the volume up full blast, allowing Adele's words to be the only thing I heard.

This was a phase. It had to be . . . Well, at least I hope it's a phase. I never liked Gabe Smith and I never will. He probably just wanted a fling while he was between girlfriends.

That jerk.

4 songs and 1 block later I was back on my street and a few houses down from my own. My mom's car was gone but another one replaced it next to mine.

I stopped where I was and my mouth fell open. No friggin' way.

I walked some more until I saw the figure standing at my door. He was pounding on the door and saying something I couldn't make out.

I punched the air in front of me and kicked at the side walk. I looked up towards the sky and threw my hands up, mouthing the word "Why" over and over again.

After my little rage was over I turned off my music and shoved my phone in my pocket. I dragged myself down the sidewalk until I was in front of my house.

"Open up, Chloe," Gabe said, still pounding on the door. "I know you're in there because your car is still here."

I rolled my eyes and walked up behind him. I flicked him off and punched the air behind his head. I laughed quietly to myself and once I calmed down I spoke. "What are you doing?" I bit back laughter when I saw him jump.

He whirled around with a shocked expression before he closed his eyes and let out a long breath. "You scared me," he said quietly and opened his eyes to look down at me.

I put a hand on my hip and glared up at him. "What do you want?"

He shrugged and stepped closer to me. He placed an arm around my waist and tugged me closer to him. "I want you."

I put both hands on his chest and loosened myself from his grip. I stepped away from him with a disgusted look. "If I even kiss you it'd be like kissing the entire male population at our school," I told him shaking my head.

"I've never kissed a guy before," he said with a bewildered look.

"But you kissed the girl who kissed all the guys," I pointed out and rolled my eyes.

Was that jealousy running through me? Oh, please don't let it be that. Anything but that! I wasn't jealous of another girl kissing him. I don't even care about him.

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