22- Surprise

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Yunie's POV

The morning clock wakes me up by screaming it's loudest in my ears. I groan and cuss out the little machine while turning it off. My dad officially left this house for good. I had to pick who i wanted to stay with and since my dad started drinking, i got scared of him pretty quickly and decided to stay with my mom.

Its pretty nice since she is also a women and im not that akward when asking for girl stuff. She also cooks and that helps a lot. Im still mad at her for leaving my dad but we got better i guess.

I yawn while stretching out my arms trying to focus on walking and not bumping into any walls. That fails as i bump my forehead into the corner of my bedroom door and i kick it making my little toes hurt too. Wow isnt it a great morning?

I walk into the bathroom, noticing the big noticeable bags under my eyes in the mirror since im staying up late doing my missing work. I think i got around 3 hours of sleep today?

When i was up and use the bathroom, i get dressed and head out to school without eating my breakfast for the nth time in a row now this month.

My legs hurt like hell and i would love to ride the bus right now but i know I'll only get weird stares and hateful comments. The usual.

So i walk and hide from anyone that attends my school and is also walking there. Its harder than it sounds since the sidewalks dont have much blushes or trees to hide behind.

Why does god hate me?

When i enter school, i keep my head down since i already know whats happening around me. Some couple are eating their faces out, friends are in their little groups and talking about random stuff. And the rest are doing their thing or staring at me. Which i really hate. I don't want to be pitied. That feeling sucks. I just want to disappear. Thats the reason i... ran away.

My friends do it the most. They are always careful of what they say around me, and they ask me if im okay and if i need anything every 3 minutes.

My teachers dont call on me like they used to. They give me smiles full of pity and they let me get away with not doing my homework.

I walk down the hallways, girls and boys bumping into me purposely. Little whispers surround me. I haven't smiled in so long. I want to remember how it felt like to be happy. Its hell in here. I hate life.

Atleast... atleast i had one boy stand up for me. Whenever i got bullied, if he's around, he'll beat them up until blood is seen. He came to the hospital once on one of my last days.


I was on my phone, ignoring Jungkook and the bowl of soup he brought me, when the door opened.

Both Jungkook and I were confused since we weren't expecting visitors.

He stepped in with a big bundle of flowers covering his face. My head still hurt alittle so i couldn't really think too much and guess who he was but when he moved the flowers from his face, i smiled a bit.

There layed Mark. He had ripped jeans and a thick brown jacket on him. His hair up, the way i always liked it.

"What are you doing here?" It was clearly obvious that i was surprised.

Ignoring the boy sitting beside me, Mark came to my white hospital bed (which really sucked when my PMS hit) and gave me the flowers wrapped in purple paper and a red string.

I could feel a little rush of heat come to my cheeks but i ignored it.

"I came to see you ofcource. I heard what happened." We just stood there staring at each other's eyes before a throat cleared interrupting us.

"Thats nice. You saw her. So now you can go." Jungkook rudely said.

"Jungkook! That's mean." I say turning to him.

He shrugged. And looked at Mark then at the door and back to Mark, his eyes telling him to leave.

Mark spoke up "Erm. Jungkook? Can you leave the room for a little bit. I need to ask Yunie a serious question." He said that with no emotion on his face.

Jungkook straightened his back in surprise. His mouth was slightly parted and hus eyes were saying 'pardon?'

"What ever you got to say, say it infront of me." He bravely said.

"If you say so," Mark said before turning to me. "Yunie. It pains me to see you in this state. And i would of came sooner if i heard it from your friends at that time. When i was told you were being hospitalized for.... what you did.. i rushed over here with my heart hurting at every step i took. Ugh, i cant say it in words but what im saying is... you make me worry and i... i really like you and c-can you be my girlfriend?" Mark was very red at that point and he was closing his eyes, scared to be rejected.

"Mark...." i mutter.


Not writing for a whole month pains me haha. So um if you guys like the story please do vote and comment. I know the plot is horrible and I'll fix and edit it later. But i think im going to update again soon and if  not, in another month. What do y'all want?

Thanks for voting on this sucky story and I'll hopefully update soon ^^ Peace! ✌

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