32- He's Gone?

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Yunie's POV

Something about that taxi driver just didn't seem right to me. Jungkook was clearly surprised to see him but the driver acted like he didn't know the cute man.

I quickly call another taxi myself and hop in it as soon as it stops in front of me. Jungkook told me he was going downtown first to meet up and so thats where i told the driver to go. "And step on it please."

Oh lord. What if he's kidnapped by that man? What if Jungkook mistaken him for a friend so the taxi driver will take advantage? What if they get into a crash? I dont think i can live knowing that Jungkook wouldn't be in this world anymore.

And thats why i had the wonderful plan of following him! Im such a genius right? Nothing bad will happen!

(Lol lets see then)

At around 10:58pm I found myself in the familiar surroundings of what's called, downtown. Its a bit late and chilly so there isn't many people around the place at this time. But that made it easier to see Jungkook and the mystery taxi driver. How dare that ugly man steal Jungkook away?

Strangely, they entered an ally way. Oh lord jisoo let this little cute bunny be safe. It was a very good idea that i followed them here so i can call the cops right away. I reach into the pockets of my not-so-expensive-because-im-cheap-like-that skinny jeans.

And ohoho let me tell you something.

They aren't there!!!!

Ok wait, lets see where i last used it. I called the taxi driver so they cam be at home. I was watching cat videos on my way downtown in the taxi cab. And when i was paying the driver i set my phone beside me to get my wallet out. But... i picked it up right?


Well crap. That snobby taxi driver just won itself a perfectly good phone.

I was thinking to much of my phone that i lost the two men i was not-so-secretly following.

I rush near the end of the ally way, and let me tell you this. This is one heck of a long ally way. But once I do reach near the end, i see the taxi driver and poor Jungkook staring up at the sky.

Dear lord, please dont tell me Jungkook's gay for the taxi driver and they are in a relationship now and they are just simply star gazing.


I look up and find a blue orb flying towards them. Omg Jungkook is friends with aliens and he never told me??? You can trust me with secrets kookie! I have no friends to tell them to. Darn that means the taxi driver works for the government or something.

The blue orb just gets closer and closer and i find myself walking towards them, still staring at the orb. It honestly only passed about six seconds but it all seems so slow right now.

Im a foot away from them before Jungkook suddenly disappears.

Without knowing i shout, "Where did he go!" To the taxi driver.

He turns to me with super wide eyes and;

He turns to me with super wide eyes and;

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Yup thats it. Thats the face.

The taxi driver then quickly pushes me towards the wall and whispers something like, 'why are you here?' And ewwww that wall has moss on it and i don't need that stuff on my clothes thank you.

"Okay Mr. Taxi man if you wanna do something just don't let it happen here. This wall is mossy and that is hard to wash off your clothes. Atleast do it on the wall in front of us where it isnt as dirty. Please Mister?" I give him puppy eyes and he lets go of me with a confused look on his face. I quickly check my back to see if any green stuff was on there and there were tiny little spots of moss stuck to my poor white t-shirt.

"Ugh! You owe me a new shirt! This is a white shirt that my friends gave to me when i was in the hospital. Do you know how much that means to me? You have to buy me a brand new shirt now." I cross my arms and stare at him right in the eye.

But I couldn't read anything from them. It was like this man had no soul.


I gave him a look. "So what happened to Jungkook?"

Hello guys. This was a tiny filler chapter since it was just in Yunie's point of view on what happened. Anyone remeber what Hobi said?

Anyways i added a cast to this book not to long ago and it just says the powers of the boys.

I hope yall enjoyed this book and thank you to the people who actually kik-ed me. It made my day a lot brighter since i had someone to talk to in the same fandom as me : )

Next update coming soon since i wasnt satisfied with this one. Peace! ✌

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