39- Ride

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Yunie's POV

"There has been a shooting in the **** bank. If you are in the city of ****** then lock all doors and windows. There is a chase going on.

No one was injured in this shooting except this mother who we do not know the name of, but she looks like this. *shows image of Yunie's mom* if you recognise this woman or know her, please contact ***-***-****

I grab the phone near me with shaking hands and try to dial the number on the screen. Tears were in my eyes so couldn't really read the number that well, but i tried to dial fast before a commercial came on.

"Hello. Are you calling because of the bank shooting?"

I swallow a hard lump in my throat. "Y-yes. The... the woman.... s-she is my mom" i couldn't hold it in for much longer and a sob came out of my mouth. "She's okay! She's coming back right?!"

"Miss. I would like you to calm down please. Do you want an ambulance to drive you to your mother?"

"Yes please." I whimper out.

"Can you tell me your adress?"

"Its ------"

"Okay ma'am, please stay ok the line with me. Could you follow my instructions?"

I nod even if she couldn't see me.

"Ma'am take a deep breath in, and slowly let it out okay? Go on with me. In~"

With hiccups in the way, i inhale deeply.


I exhale softly now. My breaths shaking.

"You're doing great. Now repeat. In~"

After some time of calming down thanks to the woman on the phone, there were several knocks on the door. I crawl my to the door halfway before actually getting up and weakly opening it.

"Ma'am are you okay?"

I blink once and slightly nod.

They could see the tear stains on my cheeks. They could see my red puffy eyes. They knew someone here was suffering yet they still ask if i was okay? My mom is injured! Of course I'm not okay! Why would i ever be okay?!?

Right in front of them, i fall weakly. That's what i am. Weak. I can't do anything right in life. Should of had that darn demon kill me already. It would do us both a favor.

No Yunie ... remember all the the therapies, all the medicine, no way would i want to go back to those times. I shouldn't have ever ran away.

But now is not a good time to be strong. I can't be strong. No one would be strong if they were in my shoes. Maybe i should stop just being me. Im tired of everything already.

They loaded me in an ambulance where they laid me down. The bed was awfully uncomfortable. It was very rough and made a lot of noise. It was starting to give me a headache.

Once i was more calm than before, they then started asking me questions and still trying to reassure me that everything was okay. I wanted to believe their lies, but i couldn't.

I closed my eyes fora while. It would be nice to sleep but the lights were too strong and the road was very bumpy. After some minutes of complete darkness, i saw something in my eyesight. (Like, she was thinking it not actually seeing anything if you get it)

It was someone actually. Tall, messy hair, holes in clothes... if only i could see their face. I could see a bunny teeth smile but that's about it. Why would i think of this? He is coming towards me. Reaching his hamd out. Stop. Tell him to stop. Someone stop him. Why is he coming? Why me. Mom...

I open my eyes suddenly. But then close them again due to the extreme brightness of the room i was in.

The same awful bed but in a different location.

"Oh you're awake. Ma'am i need you to sign some papers and you can see your mommy."


Soccer season ended. Also we have a lot of days off this week so i might update. Haha who am i kidding? I will just prob take another month again.

I swear if you just comment once on this story to update, i will do it. I have no reason to write this except for my readers to be entertained

Im planning to join National Junior Honors Society which would look great on my college so ye. Maybe I'll join... so that means less wroting too...

Thanks for reading ^.^

Peace ✌

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P.s Can you believe I've been writing this for 2 years? Jesus, thats a long time.

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