It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 6

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"We can't let them win. They can't succeed with their plan on ditching the both of us. We can't let them laugh at us for just staying and crying on a dark corner. We have to show them we're not affected, we have to fight back and do something..."

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Syd, you have to wake up now or you'll be late for the dance. Jean called and I said you fell asleep. Blake also dropped by and I said he just go ahead and that I'll just drive you to school." dad said through the door of my room.

6:01 pm, my bedside clock read. Oh shoot! I fell asleep on my bed after cleaning the whole house this afternoon and now I only have 59 minutes left to prepare for the Winter Dance which will begin at 7:00 pm at the school auditorium.

I scrambled out of my bed and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. While showering, the words in my dream kept on repeating in my head. I know those words were not just a dream because those are the words Blake told me last night to convince me to fight back and go to the dance with him tonight. Based on his actions, I know he has a plan but he won't tell me and that I'll just know it later.

After showering, I put on the dress that Jean and I bought yesterday. I blow dried my hair and brushed it and decided to just let it fall topped with a white headband. I looked at the clock and read 6:47 pm. It's a 15-minute drive from here to school, so we better get going. Oh forget about the make-up! I'll just apply it later so I shove the necessary make-up inside my bag. I put on my silver high-heeled shoes and looked at the mirror and went downstairs.

"Let's go dad! We're gonna be late!" I said as I walked towards the door.

"Wow, you look beautiful Syd! Wait, aren't you going to put on make-up?" he asked as we now headed towards the car.

"I'll put it later and on the way." I said buckling myself quickly.

"Okay..." he said and zoomed off to school.

I tried to put on the make-up carefully while the car moves slowly and smoothly and when it stops at stoplights. I somehow managed to put it on my face properly without smudging it but I still need to have some finishing touches. I'll probably just go straight to the restroom.

We made it to school right away because there are no traffic jams on our way which is a very good thing. We arrived at 6:58 pm. I bid good bye to my dad and said that Blake will drive me home so he doesn't have to worry. My dad's close to Blake and his family that's why he was ecstatic when I said that I'd be going with Blake tonight. He kept on bugging me to be nice to Blake and be friends with him but I know it is very impossible until last night.

I walked towards the gate as I passed the parking lot full of lights and caught a glimpse of my reflection on the dark tinted window of a shiny black Mercedes. The car looks so expensive and outstanding. Its windows are tinted so dark that I could use it as a mirror. I looked around to see no one and decided that I'll just continue the finishing touches of my make-up here.

Blake's POV

Syd's dad, Steven, said that Syd fell asleep after cleaning their house so I'll just go ahead and he'll just drive her here. So here I am now, sitting inside my car at the parking lot listening to music and waiting for Syd to show up. I can't get in there without her or else the plan will not be as successful. Well, it's actually not a plan. I just wanted to show to Justin and Stacey that we're not affected by what they did to us and that we could still come and enjoy this party like they do.

While my mind was wandering off and staring into the space outside, a girl wearing a white dress passed my car and stopped. She went back to look at my car and then I realized she was the girl I was waiting for, Sydney.

Wow, she looks beautiful in that white dress letting her long hair fall back. She looked around the parking lot, leaned closer to my window and stared at me. She dug something out from her bag. Eyeliner? She applied it on carefully while looking at me? Wait. She can't see me here, my windows are tinted black so there's now way that she's looking at me. And then it hit me. She's using my windows as a mirror. Might as well allow her use it, it's not that she's going to destroy it or something.

She's done with the eyeliner and she got out a... lip gloss. As she leaned closer and her lips are slightly apart, my heart began to beat faster. I looked closely as she applied lip gloss on and I felt some kind of electric current rushed through me and pushing me forward to touch it. I reached out slowly my fingers brushed against the cold glass of my window and snapped out of my thoughts. Oh man! What was that?! I shouldn't be feeling this! I shook my head to clear my mind as she finished putting on the lip gloss.

She looked at herself overall and pleased with her work, she gave a one breath taking smile. I felt my jaw literally drop and shut it quickly and shook my head. As she leaned back and straightened herself, I decided that it's time to show up. I opened the window and she gasped in shock revealing me inside the car.

Sydney's POV

Alright, done! I straightened up and took a one last look and then the window suddenly opened down. I gasped in shock seeing Blake smirking inside and looking at me up and down.

"You finished fixing yourself?" he asked still smirking seeing my shocked expression.

"H-how long have you been there?" I asked not knowing what to say.

"Mmm... 45 minutes max."

"What are you doing there?"

"Well, I was actually waiting for you to come. I couldn't get in there without my date. And then you appeared out of nowhere and started using my window as a mirror and applied make-up on. And then I found myself enjoying watching what you were doing so I didn't interrupt." he said and then winked at me.

I didn't know what to say so I just glared at him. He just laughed and got out of the car. I felt my eyes pop out as I saw how hot and gorgeous Blake was in his black collared button-up shirt that fit his body with a silver tie.

"So, shall we get in?" he asked and held his hand out for me.

"Yeah. Let's get this over with." I replied taking his hand and he just laughed as we entered the school auditorium together hand-in-hand.


Wow, I was astonished by how they made this place fit the theme for this year's Winter Dance, Winter Wonderland, and they really made it one. The whole place was twinkling with snow flake-like lights, ice crystals all-over the place, and of course loud music booming out of the large speakers with people dancing on the dance floor.

"Hey let's dance!" Blake said excitedly as 'Seventeen Forever' by Metro Station started playing. Before I could reply, which is a big NO; he already towed me toward the center of the dance floor while a fast song was playing. I can't escape with these people moving with the beat, so might as well dance and have fun. Blake and I danced and I have to admit, I was actually enjoying and having fun.

We danced with all of the fast and upbeat songs for what felt like hours and I told him that I'm already tired and thirsty and he lead me out of the dance floor and towards the snack tables.

"Wow, that was really fun!" I said.

"Yeah. But it'll be much more fun if I don't have to endure the pain I'm getting from your heels." he said smirking.

I just smacked him on his arm and he just laughed it off.

We reached the snack tables and us both grabbed fruit punches. We finished it off in one gulp and took another glass.

As I was finishing the second glass, I felt him stiffen on my side and wrapped his left arm around my shoulders and said, "Hey Justin, Stacey. How are you doin'?"

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