It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 11

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The classes that followed passed by in a blur. I wasn't really paying much attention to my classes today since all the teachers in my classes just talked about how fun their vacations were which I was not that interested in. My mind wandered around but mostly focused on Blake. I kept on thinking about him with these past few hours and I don't know why. I just felt something when he touched my face with his hands softly awhile ago. It's something I haven't felt before and that I couldn't explain but I somehow liked the sensation of it. I know deep inside that I would most likely feel that again since we're in this kind of situation now.

After eating lunch with Jean and Jack at our usual table, Blake came out of nowhere and sat beside me. He put an arm around my shoulder and said, "Hey cupcake! Miss me?"

"Ew. Cupcake? You're so cheesy Blake." I said. No one could know our plan, even my bestest friends could not know.

Jean and Jack shared a confused look and Blake answered their unspoken question, "Yes, we're together now. Things have changed and we realized a lot of things last Christmas, so we're here now. I hope you approve of me to be the love of the life of your best friend."

The two of them just laughed as I hit Blake's head due to embarrassment.

"Of course dude! As long as you won't hurt her or you'll not like what'll happen to you." Jack said as he laughed but knowing him, his words are true. He's like a big brother to me and Jean as my sister.

"That's why you can't attend the parties I invited you to come because you were 'busy' with some things or should I say someone?" Jean joked and laughed as my cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

Blake just laughed along with them and said, "Thanks guys. Now, can I have my time with my honey?"

They just laughed and nodded. I said, "Stop calling me cheesy names sugar." I laughed at my own cheesy name for him, hahaha!

"Sugar? Ick! That's more cheesy than my names." He said as we stood up and walked me to my next class. The walk was fun, I must say. We debated with the cheesiest names of couples and stuff like that.

The bell rang signaling the end of the day and I stood up and went out quickly. As I reached the door, I heard a very familiar annoying voice shout, "Hey babe!" Oh, please no. No, no, no. I increased my pace towards my locker as the guy kept on shouting, "Babe, wait!"

The guy managed to catch up and was beside me now. He then slid an arm around my waist which made me jump and slap his hand away.

"Ouch, babe. You hurt my hand and my feelings." Blake said as he faked to be hurt by clutching his heart and putting on a fake sad face. I must admit he looked cute when he did that but I shoved that thought away when he put on now his infamous smirk.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "You better be ready and used with things like that Syd. People won't believe us if we don't do what real couples do." Feeling his breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine. I was really right when I thought that I would feel that feeling again from Blake but I was still shocked and unprepared with that coming. I know I should not be feeling this thing since we're just faking to be together here. It felt so wrong but still right at the same time. Ugh, I'm confused!

"Ok fine, sorry. I still have to learn to get use to the stuff of what 'real' couples do. Ok, happy?" I said sarcastically with his 'demands'.

"Very," He said as his smirk faded and became serious. "Kiss me Syd. Even just on the cheek."

"And why in the world would I do that?!" I said annoyed.

He motioned his head slowly towards the right and I saw Justin and Stacey standing a few steps from us to stare in our direction.

Without thinking but to have the plan in action, I grabbed Blake's face to kiss him on the cheek, yeah cheek only, but he turned his head at the right time, I mean wrong time, that the kiss that was supposed to land on his cheek landed on his lips. We were both surprised because our eyes were both open in shock but he managed to close his eyes and kiss back slowly. I was too shocked and don't know what to do. I just don't want to stand there like a statue like before but I wasn't really prepared to kiss back so I pulled back and saw confusion in his eyes so I just then hugged him awkwardly and lightly...

I guess he got the message that I was still not yet ready with stuff like that so he just hugged me back too. We stayed like that for a few seconds until we pulled back as we saw that Justin and Stacey already left.

"You still aren't prepared, are you?" He asked.

I laughed nervously and replied, "Yeah, kind of. It's just a matter of time and well maybe, sooner or later, I'd get used to it."

"Have you heard of the saying 'Practice makes perfect'?" he asked with a playful smile.

"Yeah. I heard of it and I believe in that quote, why?" I asked confused as to where this conversation will lead us.

"We have to practice our act so that you would be prepared and ready for the things to come." He said and tugged my hand towards the parking lot.

"W-WHAT!? NO!!" I shouted at him but he won't listen.

"Too late Syd. You said so yourself that you believe with that quote. And since we wanted to make this act perfect, we have to practice it." He said as he opened the passenger door of his car and shoved me in.

"Thanks gentleman!" I said annoyed and sarcastically.

"No problem, love." He laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Buckle your seatbelt and we're off to go."

"And where the heck are we going?"

"To the park."

"Park? Why there?"

"Because it is the perfect place for two people in love"

"But can't we do it in a less public place? The park is just so... public and full of people." I pointed out. We can't practice our 'couple hood' with that many people of all ages.

"That's better. We have audiences. Haha!"

"Better?! Are you insane? How could that be better?" I asked him angry now.

"We have to practice where many people could see us so that when we do it here in school, we won't get awkward and shy anymore." He said as he started to drive out of the parking lot and towards the park.

Oh what the heck? I'm going to the park with Blake to practice 'perfect couple hood' in front of many people who will be our audience. Oh joy... *cough. sarcasm. cough.*

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