Stuff That You Will Want to Read About Stuff I'm Going to Write With YOUR Input

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Hey, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I got in trouble and that's all. Yes, I will still update although Gravity Falls is *sniffs and a tear runs down side of cheek* over. Also, below is a list of AUs I might write about and a summary of them. Just comment below if you want one. :) (Not an update, but one will be coming very soon! I promise! Don't be mad!) 

· Apocalypse Falls, basically, this one's lesser know and really complex, but I'll try to sum it up. The original was made earlier on in the show when Ford was just a theory that people thought was the stupidity of the internet poured into one big dumb soup and the portal was still this big thing that know one had any idea what it was. It's the apocalypse and everything has gone to Hell. A epidemic has gone through the town(or in other versions the world). The epidemic wouldn't be so bad if not for what it does. It mutates people into, well, there really isn't a whole lot of information on that part but some of the main cast are infected. The Pines, and other volunteers or really just uninfected citizens, having known about how all to deal with the supernatural, are the people who get rid of it. Something goes wrong with getting rid of the epidemic out of someone and everything goes downhill from there. And, a lot of people die!  Go Google it people, this is why we have the internet! It's REALLY good. 

· Dipper/ Mabel werewolf, it's exactly what it sounds like. If you do decide you want me to write this one, you can pick which one is a werewolf. I'm only doing one unless, I get a lot of people asking for both, let's hope that doesn't happen! (Before I see a comment, this is different from Fright Falls. See below.)

· Fright Falls, so, you know how in carpet diem Mabel has her little sleepover with Candy and Grenada? And Dipper slept out in the woods? And while out there he got bit by a wolf? Yeah, well, in this AU, that wasn't an ordinary wolf, it was a werewolf. Also, Mabel had a boyfriend who turned out to be a vampire. He really liked Mabel and wanted to be with her for as long as possible, so he bit her. So, Dipper= Werewolf and Mabel=vampire. 

· Reverse Falls, you should know this one. If not, "Go to the Google."- My health teacher. 

· I don't think that this one has a name! Yaaaaaaayyy! Ok, in this one Dipper/ Mabel manages to get themselves turned into a Dragon. Same rules with the whole you get to pick who this applies to goes with anything that has Dipper/Mabel. Yeah, I can't find anything about this one just some fan art. Yay? Anyways, NEXT! 

· Transendance AU, in my version of the AU,(and in others' probably) Bill, as a failsafe in case he did get defeated, found a spell. It's a lot like a horacrox from Harry Potter, but with people on the Bill Cipher Wheel. The twins were captured and were the first in this experiment. They first did it to Dipper, and then tried to do it to Mabel. Before they could compete the ritual, Dipper woke up and killed one of the people reforming it with his new demon powers. So, While Dipper is practically a full fledged demon, Mabel only got some of the power. People can still see Dipper, but he's well, different. 

· Blinded, in the episode Society of the Blind Eye, Dipper got hit with the mind ray and now is a member of the society. He has no memory of anything except for his name and that the people he's with are there to 'help' him. 

· Reunion Fall, Dipper and Mabel we're separated at birth. They have no idea that the other exists or that they're even twins. The parents couldn't keep both so the kept Mabel and Stan got Dippper. Mabel finds out and decides to go to Gravity Falls where she finds Dipper, and, Stan. 

· Bipper, ya know, the whole Dipper gets possessed, Bill can't leave the body, Dipper gets stuck as a ghost. Yada, yada, yada. C'mon, we've all seen this one. 

· Only child, Dipper is an only child. That's really it as far as I can tell. 

· This one has multiple names and they all are similar. Eeeerrrtggggg! Frustration! Ok, it basically Stan buys a sunstone and a moonstone. Somehow, the get attached to the kids and the they're gems from the world of Steven Universe. The same rules that apply to Steven, as I understand it, apply to them. 

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