{2} Snowed In Love

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*Chase's POV*

This sucks. My parents are off on another expensive vacation leaving their seventeen, almost eighteen, son by himself to die of boredom. I mean when I was younger I could care less, but seriously not even saying goodbye and leaving a note on the fridge that says, "will be back in a month, gone to see Peru." WTF! My birthday is in a month and they're gone when that happens. I don't even want a party; they could jump off a cliff for all I care.

So now that I'm stuck here I might as well do the only thing I can think of... Party. I call up my closest friend Ryan since it's a Saturday. He always hosts parties on the weekend.

"Hey man, what up? Partying tonight?" I say

"Yeah Dude, you need to get over here girls galore and one's asking for you."

Hmmm... seems good enough, "alright, I'll be there as soon as possible keep her a little sober for me haha."

"Okay, see you than"

All I have to do I change into my favorite shirt, get my jacket, fix my hair so it looks a little better. My hair is getting so long! It has grown down over my eyes and now I have to do the grille hair flip all the time. But whatever, I get that done and hop into my car. It should take 20 minutes at most to get to Ryan's house. I see a storm on its way; the weather has been acting like that for the past week. It's been threatening to rain or even snow, yet only giving in to wind. Now the wind had definitely picked up and it was sprinkling.

As I was driving, I pass the familiar few houses that are out in the middle of the country were Ryan lives. That's one of the few reasons his parties are always happening on the weekends. No neighbors calling the cops for loud noise. There is this one house on the way to his that always gives me this feeling like I need to stop and get out. Like there is something there that I need to see. Right now I was passing that house; it looked the same as it always had. The light yellow paint fading and pealing, making it look like a real country house in the old west. I loved it because my house was all modern, always changing themes inside. I would think that the inside of that house hasn't changed in awhile. This would make it feel more like home to me.

All of this was passing through my head in seconds and then the house was far behind me and the feelings in my stomach vanished.

It was only 10 more minutes before I reached Ryan's house and you could hear the music blasting. I can't believe how loud those stereos can get, but it makes it all the more fun.

I finally got to Ryan's and the party was in full force. When I walked inside I was attacked by all sorts of people who I didn't know but apparently they knew me. I finally found Ryan and he was already in full flirt mode.

He looked up, saw me and smiled, "You're here! Great! I have someone that's dying to meet you." Then he motioned for a short girl with straight blond hair, that didn't look completely sober to come over. She wobbled her way over and stuck her hand out for me to shake it.

"Hi, I'm Missy, you don't know me but I know you." She did a little giggle, kind of annoying giggle though. She was pretty I guess, like all the other girls I have met at Ryan's parties. Good looking, wearing next to nothing, blond and big busted. Yah, kind of gets old after awhile. Well, what the hell, it's not like anything is going to happen.

"Hi, it's nice to meat you, umm how do you know me?" I said.

"Well everyone knows you, silly." as she says that her hand goes to my chest and she scoots closer to me. Wow! This girl doesn't waste time.

I pull her hand back and give her my best smile. I lead her to a hallway where it was quieter and where she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

"so what do you want to talk about?" I ask

"how about we skip the talking and........." before she could finish, the look on her face changed and all of a sudden she was gagging.

Oh no.

She threw up all over my shoes and the carpet. Great first a horny girl comes onto me. Then she tries to seduce me, and to make the night even more of a thrill I get thrown up on.

That's it! I'm out of here.

Before I leave I wash my shoes off as best I can. When I walk outside it has begin to snow. It is breath taking. But soon it starts to get really windy and the snow falls harder. Shoot! I run to my car but it's too late, I'm soaked.

I get in my car and it decides to take five minutes to start. Great. How much better can it get.

About 10 minutes into driving my car starts to stop. The snow and wind is making it so cold that I think that some of the gas in my car has frozen. Leaving my car tank empty. Perfect just perfect! This seriously can't be happening.

I get out and try to find cell servos. None. Well I give up, there is nothing else I can do.

I sat there for a little while before I remembered that that one country house is only a little farther down. I guess that's my best bet, and it gives me an excuse to see why I always want to go there. I get out, and my jacket isn't doing much to fight the cold. Dang! I'm going to be sick for a LONG time. I started walking.

I finally saw lights ahead, so I started running. I got up on the porch and rang the door bell. I kept on pushing it. I mean if it's an old couple they may not here it for a while. I could hear footsteps, and the porch light turned on.

The door opened revealing a stunning girl.

**Hope you like itt. =)**

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