{9} Snowed in love

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i ran and kept running toward a little hill of snow. All the while getting hit every few seconds bu pieces of wet, icky snow. Oh he was sooo going to pay for getting snow down my back.

We had been at this war for 20 minutes by now. Both of us keeping an eye on Abby at the same time. She was being her cute self and standing at the side clapping and laughing at us. So cute!!

"You are totally dead for the last one!"

"You should have just told me what you where thinking to begin with and you wouldn't be shivering right now."

"And miss out on the look on your face when i got you right in the face? HA i think not."

"Well than you get what you diserve, end of story."

"Not end of story, im not done yet."

and i hit him once more with a snow ball.

"Ok now in done"

he comes at me with a smile on his face and attacks me.

"AHHH!! hahahahahahaha! Chase.. stop haha"

danm him and his tickeling powers, how obnoxiuos.

"NEVER!, you will just have to suffer my dear. hmmm, accually i think its time we went inside, its getting colder and abby shouldnt be out here for this long. I would hate for her to get sick."

"your right, you no your better at this baby stuff than i am and im the one looking after her."

"just human instinct, some have it more than others, it doesnt mean you wont make a good mom when your time comes."

I roll that over in my head as he helps me up and we head for the house. I didnt notice it right away, but as we climbed the stairs to the door i saw that are hands where still together. Thank God for this snow or he would have totally noticed how red my face got than.

i lety go of hishand but he holds on.

OMG OMG OMG! is this happening? is this real? did i pass out between him tickeling so much that im houlsinating?(sorry i totaly spelt that wrong but deal) Wait why do i care so much? its not like i like him....... wait , do i like him?

Greaat just bloody great! i like him! he made me fall for him and now he wins.

how rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2010 ⏰

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