{7} Snowed in love

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I Can't believe that he did all this for me and Abby!! the food really isn't that bad, it's actually really good. Abby seems to like as well. I give her another pancake and let the girl eat.

Chase hasn't come back in yet and that can't be a good sign. i Start to clean up and put the dishes in the dishwasher, when i hear him come back in.

"Ok, i am really sorry, but there is no possible way i can go anywhere. The snow is piled half way up the front door. I think we should get a shovel and start shoveling out so we don't get covered in. That would be really bad, trust me. The way that storm looks, it seems it's going to get worst so we don't want to wait too long to get going. We should bundle up too. This is if you don't mind me saying."

As he says all this i just tell myself, keep it together Eve, don't lose it, Do not lose it.

Alright there are only a few things to do. One, admit that I'm screwed and two do whatever the heck he just said because he seems to know what to do.

"Fine, but maybe first we should watch the news and see what where dealing with."

"Sounds like a good suggestion."

we head to the living room and turn on the T.V. its already on the right channel.

...And as the snow goes on we will be receiving one of the worst billiards of the winter so far. California and Oregon had gotten the worst of it with the winds and hard rain. It was almost a hurricane there. But now its Nevada's time to be hit by this horrible weather. Nevada is just getting the after shot of it all, with the heavy snow. Now it shouldn't be lasting that much longer. A week and this all should be gone. But the next few days will be the worst so stay indoors, bundle up, and be safe. there is no way anyone will be driving in this weather. This was the morning weather with Tom Nagiwifer and Susan McLane. Next....

I turn it off, I can't listen to it any longer. A whole week!!!! I mean any other girl would love being stuck in a house with a cute guy..... Did I say cute?

Ok get your head out of the clouds this is serious.

"Ok, maybe your right. Your cloths are in the dryer and my dad has an old jacket that would fit you fine. We should probably keep the water running every other hour so they don't freeze up. That would be very bad. Also I'll get some wood from the garage to keep the fire going; I'll help save some money in this crises." Chase smiled at this.

"I think your right. We really need to bundle Abby up, I be she would love to play in the snow while where working."

"She would love that."

I head upstairs with Abby and start to get her ready. I grab the first long sleeve shirt and go to get her changed when...

"NO! I want blue."

"Abby, come on its not that big of a deal."

"Blue. Blue pretty, pink icky."

"Well I can't argue with that, fine but you better behave for the rest of the day ok? And be really good for Chase. he doesn't need to see you through a fit."

"Me like Chase. Chase funny."

At that she does a cute little giggle. Ok that's too cute, now you understand why I put up with her. She's to adorable to not.

"That's right Abby, Chase is funny, and he will be staying with us for awhile."

"YAAAHH!" she squeals.

"Yahh, now why don't we get you dressed so we can go play in the snow!!?"


I put on her blue shirt and her Eskimo jacket with her matching booties. With her short brown hair in little pig tails, she looks so cute in blue. Her eyes look twinkly, a nice chocolate brown. She'll be a heart breaker when she's older.

This is a picture of what I think Abby looks like, if it doesn't show up damn it! I will put it as my profile pix. So message me so I no weather to put it up or not K?

"Are we ready?" I ask her. I had gotten ready and grabbed my dad's old jacket.

"Yep" Abby says.

We head down stairs, i notice that Chase had brought in a good load of fire wood and was pulling on his shirt.

Oh sweet marry mother of God!!! He was nice and tan on his back and from the looks of it nicely built. Not to muscular. But nice.

I clear my throat. And he turns around.

"Hey you ready?" he says so casually like it was nothing that I just saw him changing. Hmmmm. either he's very secure with himself or he's full of himself, OR he is just trying to hide his embarrassment. I'm kind of hoping for the last one.

Thinking about all this in my head I can't help but to laugh because the look on his face is priceless. The jacket in my hand is from the 80's and it not really in style any more. It looks like something out of the movie Better Off Dead. (Authors note: ok that is the best movie ever, check it out if you haven't seen it cuz you're missing out!! It was filmed in the 80s so duhh, perfect jacket time line.)

"Sorry it's a little old but this is the only one that would fit you."

"It's k, I don't mind." Chase grabs it and puts it on. Walla! Perfect fit, did I pick it or did I pick it?

"You look.... Great." Is all I can manage to say before I have to hide behind my hand to stop from laughing. He looks so funny in the jacket, I can't help myself.

"Oh! You think that's funny don't you?"

"Well... Yes, ha Yes I do."

"You, you, Ugh!! You're in evil genius aren't you? An evil mastermind to make me look like a pumpkin killer. This jacket looks like a pumpkin threw up on me!"

At this point I can't help it, it's just too funny to hold in anymore. The look of disgust and amusement on his face is hilarious.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Can't breathe! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!"

Chase joins in and we fall to the ground holding our sides.

"You know, it wasn't that funny."

"I Know but the look on your face was."

"Well than! I guess I'm just going to have to make you pay."

And at this he crawls over to me and starts to tickle me. Oh-NO!!

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