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Chase Pov**

Man she is ticklish!

"Chase, hahahaha! Stop! Haha"

"Oh why are you hurt? You seem to be laughing Sun Shine."

I had her pinned to the ground tickling her to death. This was too much fun to stop. The look on her face was so cute. While "killing her", tears where forming from the corners of her eyes. I slowly stop and let her catch her breath.

" Sun Shine? When did that become my name?" she says through long breaths.

Opps, I may have to be gentler, Eve looks real windblown; like the wind was knocked out of her. I'll keep that in mind for next time because that was to fun for a one time deal.

"I thought of it this morning because you looked like a vampire when the light hit you. So I figured I'd pull an oxymoron and call you sun shine. I thought it was funny."

"Oh Whatever, I wasn't that bad." Snarling as she speaks.

"Yes my dear, it was. You're really not a morning person are you?"

"Well than, it's not like it's any of your business, but no I'm not a morning person."

"See that answers my thought, you're not a morning person, which concludes that sun shine is the perfect nick-name for you. I wanted to call you something others wouldn't. it's perfect logic when you think about it.

*Eve's Pov*

Stupid smarty pants, with his stupid logic, I do not look that bad in the morning. And this means war. I refuse to be called such a baby name that would be used for Abby, but completely not me. I'm going to find a name that makes his skin crawl.

Ah-ha!! I think I have it!!! But I will not use it right away, I need the perfect moment. MAUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It will be perfect. (Ok not an evil genius, but everyone has their moments)


"Alright, back to the mission at hand. Let's go freeze our butts off and shovel snow."

"Sounds like a plan. Come on Abby, let's go!!"

We get to the door and at first I have trouble opening it. The snow has definitely getting higher, which is really not good.

"Oh my...." I hear behind me.

"Yah, it's that bad. So are you more forgiving now that you see how bad it would be if I left? There would be no way. And besides, deep down you digg me. You would be so lonely if I left."

"Umm, fool of yourself much?! You seriously think very highly of yourself, but honestly DEAR, you really are not all that and a bag of chips. Okay?"

"Rawr! Kitty's got cloze"

"Ugh, you know what, this means war. I am tired of cocky, in-love- with-them-self-boys."

"Hey! I am not in-love with myself or anything else you said."

"Sure you say that now, but when you're alone at home, do you ever spend maybe an hour looking at yourself in the mirror?"

"Ah-ha! No, only 30 minutes at most."

She lifts her eyebrows and roles her eyes. Damn! Did she just win.

I start shoveling and soon where on a role. Scoop, lift, and toss. Repeat. Scoop, lift, and toss.

"soooo, you have a girl friend?"

"No, any girls who like me don't even know me. Like really know me. So you can tell from that why they do."

"No, No I can't" Eve says with a smirk on her face. "I mean other than you have natural good looks."

"I also have a bit of money."

"Do I hear bragging in your tone? And if you have soo much money than why didn't your butler come and get you?"

"He thought the weather was getting to bad and he's super lazy. Mostly because he's known me to long and feels comfortable with telling me to get or do it myself."

"wow wow wow there. Wait! You are seriously rich?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just did not see that coming, you..... Okay to be honest. You don't seem like the hoety toity rich boy type, that shops at Abercrombie and drives a sports car."

"Yes that's because I hate Abercrombie and I like to fix up cars. The really fast sporty one's are really not that fun."

"Okay. So no Girlfriend."

"No girlfriend...... Do you have a Boyfriend?" as where talking we are still shoveling snow and have the door way almost completely cleared.

"Ahahahaha, No, no boyfriend. We broke up at the end of the summer. Well actually, he broke up with me."

"Ouch, bummer that had to suck."

She intakes a quick breath, obviously a sour subject on her part.

"Yeah it did. And I find out a week later that he already has a new girlfriend. Also the girl was a girl I called my friend. Well more like acquaintance, but still someone I knew! I don't think she knew anyways that he had just broken up. He wasn't the type who talked a lot. More like a stone than anything really."

She was on the verge of tears and I think any guy can agree, we don't like to see you cry.

"Hey," I say soothingly "That guy is a jerk and really doesn't deserve your time or space in your mind, ok. You deserve better. You need someone who will treat you right, shows you how much you mean to him, and tells you. Okay? Don't settle for anything less."

Eve gives me a small smile. "Thanks, I can say the same for you."

"Yah, if I can find one that's interested that would be great."

"You will, trust me."

With that she gives me a mysterious grin.

"Oh-no, what do you have planned?"

"Who? Me?"

"Give it up, what you up to?"

"Nothing... Nothing at all."

"You will tell me, I'm too irresistible and I'll get it out of you." Okay, a little flirting is not that bad, it just keeps it interesting.

"Oh ye of little faith. You have no idea of what I'm capable of."

"Really, than why don't you enlighten me?"

Before I knew what was happening I was hit in the face with something hard and wet.

"You did not just through a snowball at me."

"I did! Whatcha goan do about it?"

"I'll do this!"

And the War truly begins..........

Ok Hi ya!! Thanks to all of my readers, you guys are awesome

I don't write a lot and im sorry. I get writers block and than don't have time. AND to add to that, my parents (well my mom) don't like we on this web site, cuz I can read inappropriate things. Seriously would she rather me on this or myspace? I don't even have a myspace!! They blocked the web site from the comp. but anywho, just wanted to say sorry for not updating a lot.

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