{6} Snowed In Love

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*Chase's POV*

It was just me out in the snow alone. It was dark. I didn't know which way to go. The snow was falling so hard I could barely see ahead of me. I started to panic. I was so alone. Just then as if through a curtain a hand reached out to me. I took it.

I woke up with a jolt. I never have dreams like that. But it felt so real.

I look at my watch and it read 6:00 a.m. well, might as well get up. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. I know it sounds bad since this isn't my house but I was really hungry. Then, I just had a great idea. To show how thankful I am I would make the two, breakfast. I got out the eggs and found pancake batter in the pantry.

I checked the stove to see if the power was back and it was. YAHH. Before getting started I went back to the living room and put more wood on the fire. Making sure Eve didn't get cold.

She looked so peaceful as she slept. I put my blanket on her and went back to the kitchen. Not even ten minutes later i was on a role cooking things up. Those chef classes really paid off. Soon i had half the food done and went back to check on Eve. Still sound asleep, but up above i heard Abby cry.

I went upstairs and opened the door to her room. She quiet crying when she saw me and clapped her hands.

"Shhh little one. You wanna come downstairs with me you have to be quiet. Ok" I said. She nodded her head and lifted her hands for me to pick her up out of her cradle. Then she wrapped her hands around my neck and put her head on my chest. Aww, I didn't even know her that well and I felt like she was my sister. I wish I had one as sweet as this little tot.

We went back down and I put her in her highchair. gave her her Sippy cup and went back to work. I put a thing of hot water on the oven so Eve could have hot chocolate. Not that long after I heard a little gasp from behind me. I didn't even turn around knowing who it was.

I have to admit I laughed a little, thinking of the expression that would be on her face. Although I hope she won't kill me for messing with her kitchen. Opps I didn't even think about that. Oh-well to late to do anything now.

"Good morning sunshine, the suns been waiting for you." I smiled at her. She glared, she's obviously not a morning person. WAIT! I just found her nickname! Sunshine. Perfect.

"What are you doing?" She said yawning.

"Making breakfast. What does it look like?"


"To repay you for your hospitality." I smiled widely.

"Oh well thank you." She looked suspicious.

"Well come eat!" I said holding out pancakes to her. She took one, eyeing me up and down. I just chuckled.

She went over to Abby in her high chair then grabbed another pancake to give to her.

Abby smiled and took a big bite out of it. I wonder if it's okay for a child her age to be eating pancakes. Oh well. I'm not exactly the child expert and it is eve's sister so I shouldn't talk.

I went and sat down with a plate of my own. Eve went and got the syrup. She gave it to me and I drowned my pancakes. I love syrup!!! She gave me a quizzical look.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She sighed and put a little syrup on her own. We ate in an awkward silence.

"So you'll be staying another night?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Well I might. Hold on let me see something." I got up and went to the front door I opened it and gasped. This is not going to make her happy.

**Sorry it's short and sorry it took so long. Hope you liked it! Peace!**

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